@upgrade @imyke @jsnell Thanks for doing your best, answering my #AskUpgrade question (about iPhone SE) this week, sadly I didn't formulate my question well enough, so it was misunderstood 😬 I was thinking Apple might want to make a clean cut and switch everything still using lightning to USB-C at the same time? I doubth it though, would mess up product timelines and much more.
@imyke like many others I really appreciated your Cortex discussion of your Vision Pro experience One question I have is when talking about the Mt Hood background and using the Digital Crown, you said the “VR experience” Did Apple use that term? I’m curious because all I’ve heard them say is spatial and no mention of VR or AR
Looking forward to #SummerOfFun and hearing you in Jason’s backyard on Upgrade this week
@imyke @jsnell do you think it would be possible to juggle while wearing Vision Pro...? #AskUpgrade maybe? It involves fast hand/eye coordination and good peripheral vision use (if you two aren't jugglers)...
@upgrade the HTC Vive XR Elite has a small 15 minute battery to allow hit swapping off the battery pack. The Apple Headset may do the same thing #askupgrade
@imyke there is nothing less obvious than how you share/collaborate around a note in Notes.app. Discuss. #AskUpgrade I just tried with my wife and it’s a total fail. It’s literally easier just to print it out.
@512pixels Feedback form link in show notes. It can prepopulate the form with the show and episode. People could do #askupgrade as the subject. Captcha essential. Run spam detection on the content before adding to your cms. Great idea.
@jsnell @imyke #Upgrade 434 #askupgrade The obvious name Apple will use for their MetaVerse alternative is eWorld! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EWorld
@jsnell @imyke #Upgrade 434 #askupgrade The obvious name Apple will use for their MetaVerse alternative is eWorld! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EWorld
#askupgrade @jsnell Your argument for Caseta (which I am also happy with -- thanks to you & @marcoarment) is weakened by the fact that your Hue switches also failed, which the Hue hub should have prevented.
But your network problems sound like a fluke, not straightforward proof that home WiFi is bad and everything needs Thread/Zigbee backhaul instead. My Eeros, cable modem, and hubs have gone down several times during electrical work, and I've never had problems that lasted more than a few hours, much less reappeared over a week. That's just bizarre.
I had more trouble when one of the Hue hubs or the Lutron Caseta hub lost power and didn't automatically reconnect to WiFi -- which consistently comes back up as quickly as possible.
Is there an iOS app to create a Wi-Fi coverage map for a property? #askupgrade
(I live on 5 acres @YellowHomestead@twitter.com, and have 9 Eeros scattered about, but want to add more to fill in low coverage areas. A signal heat map overlaid on an Apple map of the property would be ideal.)