I'll be running a couple of games at #ausspeedruns #asm2023 this week!
First up is Untitled Goose Game, Tomorrow (Wednesday 12th July) at 9pm ACST (9:30pm EST, 7:30pm WST)
Then on Thursday 13th July I'll be running KeyWe, a co-op game with my partner Nicosar. We're scheduled to start at 6:40pm ACST (7:10pm EST, 5:10pm WST)
How can your research contribute to the greater fight against climate change? Join NMDC team member Julia Kelliher on June 17 at #ASM2023 for a discussion the microbiome could inform larger questions surrounding changing ecosystems as a result of changing climate parameters such as temperature and wind. https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10789/session/264
Join the NMDC on June 17 at 10:30 AM for the ASM Town Hall, highlighting the contributions of 2022 ASM Microbiome Prize Awardee, Benjamin Callahan. Meet NMDC Ambassadors and learn how they are championing data stewardship. #ASM2023
Is anybody attending ASM Microbe 2023 interested to have a small private meeor lunch/dinner? I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks in person for your help in the past. 😊#asmicrobe #asm2023