「 #中国、新型 #Huawei Mate 60携帯電話で西側5Gチップの禁輸措置を回避」: The Guardian
「中国 #SMIC はまだ #ASML (オランダ)から自由に購入できる単純なマシンを微調整することで7nmチップの生産に成功したと考えていると述べた。 しかし、一部の調査会社は、この方法で製造された7nmチップのうち使用可能になるのは業界標準の90%以上に対し、50%以下にとどまり、製造されるスマートフォンの出荷が制限されるだろうと予測している。 」
日本は 2nmルールを目指すそうですが。
#中国 #huawei #smic #asml #prattohome #theguardian
Het is natuurlijk eigenbelang van die directeur. Maar ik vind wel dat ie een punt heeft: Europa moet in zichzelf investeren, desnoods tegen IMF en G7 vechten om in zichzelf te mogen investeren.
Tegelijkertijd mag #ASML zelf wel eens wat meer in Nederland investeren: dat is een flinke Indiase enclave in Veldhoven. Als ze gratis geld vd overheid willen dan moet de liefde wel van 2 kanten komen.
Vandaag bij de NOS een uitgebreid artikel over het interview met ASML topman Peter Wennink.
#Politiek #ASML
(/1= interview Nieuwsuur)
It's great to see #ASML continuing to show their commitment to trade and innovation, even in the face of new restrictions. China has long been a leader in the tech industry, and #ASML's license to ship restricted chip-making machines to them until the end of 2023 is a testament to that. #TradePartnerships are essential for global economic growth, and this news is a great step forward! #ChipMaking #Innovation http://www.techmeme.com/230831/p28#a230831p28
#asml #tradepartnerships #chipmaking #innovation
ASML EUV Lithography Machine Could Keep Moore’s Law on Track
#ycombinator #EUV #high_na_euv #lithography #chipmaking #asml #photomasks
#ycombinator #euv #high_na_euv #lithography #chipmaking #asml #photomasks
Sino–Dutch relations under pressure after chip export restrictions https://www.euractiv.com/section/eu-china/news/sino-dutch-relations-under-pressure-after-chip-export-restrictions/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ASML #EUChina #EUChinatrade #Netherlands #openstrategicautonomy
#asml #euchina #euchinatrade #Netherlands #openstrategicautonomy
"#Brussels appears to have been caught off-guard by #Beijing's imposition of controls on the supply of #germanium and #gallium — rare elements used in #ComputerChips and #FiberOptics. The Chinese move, a swift response to Dutch curbs on the export of advanced chip equipment, comes as European Commission President #UrsulaVonDerLeyen pushes a new economic security strategy" #ASML #ChipWars #US #Netherlands
#China’s threat on mineral exports knocks #EU off balance
#eu #china #netherlands #us #chipwars #asml #ursulavonderleyen #fiberoptics #computerchips #gallium #germanium #beijing #brussels
The #UnitedStates and the #Netherlands are set to deliver a one-two punch to #China's chipmakers this summer by further restricting sales of chipmaking equipment, part of the countries' ongoing effort to prevent their technology from being used to strengthen #China's military.
#asml #china #netherlands #unitedstates
ASML:供應鏈完全脫鉤不可能 半導體發展有賴多國合作
目前地緣政治形勢緊張,多國都希望「脫鉤」並在先進技術方面做到「自給自足」,不過世界唯一的先進光刻機製造商 ASML 的業務總監接受採訪時就表示,認為半導體方面的完全脫鉤並不可能。
The post ASML:供應鏈完全脫鉤不可能 半導體發展有賴多國合作 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#科技趣聞 #ASML #半導體
#SabineHossenfelder - Is the #Microchip #Shortage over yet?
#COVID #Pandemic #SupplyProblem #MicroElectronics #Electronics #ConsumerElectronics #Computers #ComputerSales #Microchips #Taiwan #TSMC #ASML
#asml #tsmc #taiwan #microchips #computersales #computers #consumerelectronics #electronics #microelectronics #supplyproblem #pandemic #COVID #shortage #microchip #sabinehossenfelder
‘The Dutch government is planning to publish new export controls that will restrict more of ASML Holding NV’s chipmaking machines from being sent to China as soon as next week’ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-22/dutch-to-publish-new-chip-export-controls-as-soon-as-next-week #china #chips #asml #security #cybersecurity
#China #chips #asml #security #cybersecurity
Wer sich über die Subventionen für #Intel beschwert, sollte sich bewusst sein dass wir alternativ abhängig von Asien bleiben. Schaut mal nach mit wie viel Korea, Taiwan und die USA die Chipindustrie fördern. Und im Endeffekt landet viel von dem Geld wieder bei EU-Firmen wie #ASML und auch seinen deutschen Partnern
Raf Daenen: "Toen ik hem complimenteerde met deze goede inspanning voor asielzoekers, bleek dat dit niet de bedoeling was.
Nee, het integratieprogramma was gericht op hoogopgeleide kenniswerkers die hier naar toe werden gehaald."
Au. ED: #Eindhoven #ASML
No matter the limits, #Moore'sLaw will remain the gold standard for success in the semiconductor industry! #ASML's rise to the top is proof that progress can still be made, and #Innovation will continue to push the boundaries of what's possible. #Moore'sLaw remains the benchmark for tech achievements and that won't change any time soon! #NeverGiveUp http://www.techmeme.com/230601/p13#a230601p13
#moore #asml #innovation #nevergiveup
Senior User Researcher
#Veldhoven, Noord-Brabant
to the job
As a senior Usability User Researcher, you will be responsible for the se...
read more: t.me/hiresocial (#8784)
#netherlands #InfluencerJob #HiringNow
#asml #veldhoven #netherlands #influencerjob #hiringnow
ASML is effectively being treated as critical infrastructure for US national security and has become a target of industrial espionage for China. And here I thought my only mission was to take naps and knock stuff off tables. #CatMischief #ASML #ChipWar 😸🐾
@PascalH @BrainportEindhoven @ed_eindhoven Zeker: het oude #Philips is herboren teruggekeerd in het nieuwe #ASML ,waarbij de laatste vele malen eenzijdiger is dan ‘the company’ ooit was.
Lonkend perspectief? #ASML als eyecatcher @BrainportEindhoven ? Afhankelijkheid van techgigant wordt per dag groter en groter. ( ‘foto’: @ed_eindhoven ) #Veldhoven #Brainport #Eindhoven
#eindhoven #brainport #Veldhoven #asml
In 2008 or 2009 for an artfair i stayed at a B&B. The woman told proudly about her husband being a big shot at ASML, and they really wanted to buy some of my work, but couldn't afford it because business did not go well. She also said, when everything would be okay again, they would contact me.
I'm still waiting for that email...
Chipmaker ASML is still growing
(dutch article)