RT @: Join us June 29 for Proteoform Thursday: Kellye Cupp-Sutton presenting "Development of Top-down Stability Proteomics Technologies for Functional Characterization of Intact Proteoforms" #proteomics #ASMS2023 #TeamMassSpec https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqfuuhrzgiHd3r26WHTOxHzidy43KcLYti#/registration…
#proteomics #asms2023 #TeamMassSpec
RT @GitinKatie: There it is!! Introducing the new #IntabioZT. Stop by the @SCIEXnews Hospitality Suite tonight at 8 PM in the Hilton to see it in person @asmsnews
#SciexTAP #icief #MassSpectrometry #ASMS2023
#intabiozt #sciextap #icief #massspectrometry #asms2023
Apart from all the buzz about the Astral, SLIM-DIA looks super cool. Seems like the focus is on increasing sensitivity for low abundance samples (single cell!!), but I love the high res ion mobility dimension it brings along #ASMS2023
I'm seeing a lot of figures at #ASMS2023 where people have used PCA for exploratory data analysis (good), but didn't standardize their data (bad).
It is unlikely that you want your PCA to be driven by a few high-abundant, common analytes, so standardizing is necessary.
Melih is presenting our work on Casanovo, which uses a transformer #NeuralNetwork for de novo peptide sequencing. #ASMS2023
RT @: Come out to Ballroom C soon to see @jspaezp1 talk about our feature-centric search strategy for DIA #proteomics at #ASMS2023!Tuesday is a computational focus, with a morning presentation by @jspaezp1 on diadem an open-source DIA search algorithm and then @wfondrie's poster on depthcharge, a foundation for mass spectrometry AI/ML
Charlotte presented our work on fragment intensity prediction using #DeepLearning to improve the detection of #immunopeptides at #ASMS2023 today. 👏
Stay tuned for the preprint soon!
#deeplearning #immunopeptides #asms2023
Thank you everyone for stopping by my poster on new functionality in spectrum_utils at #ASMS2023 today.
The poster is available here: https://zenodo.org/record/7987183
Start using spectrum_utils: https://github.com/bittremieux/spectrum_utils/
Read the research article: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jproteome.2c00632
We had lots of fun teaching the #MachineLearning for #MassSpec short course at #ASMS2023.
Thanks to my co-instructor @wfondrie and all the students for their engagement and insightful questions!
#machinelearning #massspec #asms2023
RT @: Evaluating the performance of the Astral mass analyzer for quantitative proteomics using data independent acquisition
A very well timed preprint by @lilian_heil @mjmaccoss and many others just as the #ASMS2023 user meeting begins.
@tiago_ribeiro unfortunately for now the material is available to attendees of the #ASMS2023 short course only.
#ASMS2023 here we go! Looking forward to a week of science, (re)connecting with #TeamMassSpec folks and talking phospho-#proteomics. Hit me up if you're in Houston, Texas
#Proteomics #teammassspec #asms2023
@wfondrie kicks off the second edition of our #MachineLearning for #MassSpectrometry short course at #ASMS2023 for a full room.
#machinelearning #massspectrometry #asms2023
If you have time in the morning (e.g. because of jet lag after just arriving from Europe) , I recommend stopping by Brothers Taco House for some delicious breakfast tacos. #ASMS2023
Sunrise over the George R. Brown convention center in Houston, TX. Ready for six days of hardcore #MassSpectrometry science! #ASMS2023
Tomorrow the #ASMS2023 madness starts. 😅 I'm looking forward to catching up with old and new friends.
Come discuss science during the Bittremieux Lab poster and oral presentations, our #MachineLearning short course, and a tutorial workshop on Casanovo, and find us throughout the whole week for random conversations. 🚀
The #ASMS2023 User Meetings are beginning to be published, so here is a list of those currently available (alphabetical order, feel free to add any I’ve missed). There are also a few leaks added in if the vendor let a little info out:
Agilent – Looks like a new QTOF and QQQ (or QIT???). Might be old.
Now that everyone has had some time to digest the #ASMS2023 abstract notifications and has started working on their poster & oral presentations, rather than quickly have to do it the final week before the conference (right?), this is a good opportunity to sign up for the #machinelearning for #massspectrometry short course (08) on June 3–4, thought by @wfondrie and me.
See you in Houston! 🚀
More info: https://www.asms.org/conferences/annual-conference/short-courses/two-day-courses
#asms2023 #machinelearning #massspectrometry
RT @mjmaccoss: Going to #asms2023? We have received some great abstracts for talks at the Skyline User Group Meeting -- however, we still want yours. We know there is a lot of great research happening with Skyline. Tell us about yours! https://skyline.ms/2023-ugm-abstracts.url…