I refuse to believe I'm the only person on here who has an unhealthy obsession with #ASongOfIceAndFire, and the world of both GRR Martin and HBOs spinoff universe? Surely.
Game of Thrones first 7 seasons and then instead of the 8th season just a big plate of still hot & sizzling bacon.
#addbacontomakeitbetter #hashtaggames #got #gameofthrones #thegameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #georgerrmartin #grrmartin
Je dis pas que le prologue des Rois Maudits m’a bien chauffé, mais il m’a bien chauffé à lire la suite.
Pis bon y’aura pas de fin pour #ASongOfIceAndFire de toute façon.
"I've read all the books in the #ASongOfIceAndFire series, but I'm not invested anymore. The long delay in publishing #TheWindsOfWinter and #ADreamOfSpring has taken away my interest in #GameOfThrones."
#asongoficeandfire #thewindsofwinter #adreamofspring #gameofthrones
The Stark sisters are still on the Kingsroad. We nerd out about the geography and wildlife of ASOIAF.
#GameOfThrones #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire #grrm #aryastark #arya #sansastark #sansa #housestark #stark #direwolves #lizardlion
#gameofthrones #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire #grrm #aryastark #arya #sansastark #sansa #housestark #stark #direwolves #lizardlion
Back to ASOIAF. The Starks are traveling through the swamps of the Neck. Arya and Micah go herping. Lizard-lions and Crannogmen.
#gameofthrones #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire #grrm #aryastark #arya
#gameofthrones #asoiaf #asongoficeandfire #grrm #aryastark #arya
I think that George R. R. Martin might have written the A Song of Ice and Fire series just so that he could use the word "mislike" a lot. It's apparently a real archaic synonym for "dislike."
#asongoficeandfire #fantasy #words
Another #MetalFriday 🤘. Time to introduce
Dutch death #metal moloch #Bloodgod (2011-2018) featuring #BeyondThePale's bassist Frank and drummer Johnny.
This track was inspired by George RR Martin's #asongoficeandfire, and the tv series #GameOfThrones, in particular the mysterious cult of assassins known as the Faceless Men, who worship Death:
#gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #beyondthepale #bloodgod #metal #MetalFriday
Game of Thrones NFTs Sell Out Quickly, But Draw Criticism for ‘Poorly Drawn’ Characters - The cryptocurrency community is discussing the new “Game of Thrones” non-fungible ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/game-of-thrones-nfts-sell-out-quickly-but-draw-criticism-for-poorly-drawn-characters/ #gotnon-fungibletokens #asongoficeandfire #georger.r.martin #secondarymarket #buildyourrealm #cryptocurrency #gameofthrones #collectibles #jeffmarsilio #saladfingers #interactive #poorlydrawn
#poorlydrawn #interactive #saladfingers #jeffmarsilio #collectibles #gameofthrones #cryptocurrency #buildyourrealm #secondarymarket #georger #asongoficeandfire #gotnon
My interpretation of Cersei Lannister, for example, is far, far different from that of GRRM or D&D, because I refuse to base it solely on the text itself. I did a whole Twitter thread about that, and I'll recreate it here eventually. 5/5
#socialmedia #tumblr #deathoftheauthor #fiction #menwritingwomen #patriarchy #misogyny #asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones #cerseilannister #asoiaf #asoi&f #cersei
#socialmedia #tumblr #DeathOfTheAuthor #fiction #MenWritingWomen #patriarchy #misogyny #asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones #cerseilannister #aSoIaF #asoi #cersei
Going back to my 16s re-reading A Game of Thrones, this time on paper thanks to the best partner in the world ❤️
#asongoficeandfire #georgerrmartin #gameofthrones
#asongoficeandfire #georgerrmartin #gameofthrones
Oh how sad for #GeorgeRRMartin with "HBO drama" impacting the #GameOfThrones spinoff, he has to come up with some new lame excuse for why he's not finishing writing #ASongOfIceAndFire
#Sarcasm #HeSucks #HeWillNeverFinish
#georgerrmartin #gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #sarcasm #hesucks #hewillneverfinish
Someone asked which author's would be a bad fit for ending #ASongOfIceAndFire in case it was necessary to pass the torch. Someone replied "Homer in verse", which inspired me to do a pastiche in the style of the #WilliamCullenBryant translation (with some #EmilyWilson thrown in for good measure).
#asongoficeandfire #williamcullenbryant #emilywilson #bookstodon
That’s A Clash of Kings finished.
How Ramsey captures Theon and sacks Winterfell is SO MUCH BETTER IN THE BOOK. Much better than just having Dagmar bonk him on the head and the Ironborn hand him over.
#asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones
Lord Tywin’s horse having a dump in the throne room in front of Joffrey has made me laugh, as it did when I watched Game of Thrones.
#asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones
The last of the Arya chapters in A Clash of Kings was goooooood…
Ooooh I think I’ve got to The Battle of the Blackwater 😀
Even though it was due insomnia, I enjoyed getting back to some reading again last night after the annoyance of having to get my Apple Books settings to how I wanted them. Read a few chapters of A Clash of Kings…I’d not read any for a few months. I need to get a balance between video games and reading again, or I’ll take forever to finish A Song of Ice and Fire - just like George RR Martin, amirite? #ASongOfIceAndFire #Reading