RT @_Kate_Gibson@twitter.com
Tomorrow! Join us for some @PILPG@twitter.com post-game analysis of #ASP21. (For starters, I will share some thoughts on the decision to block entry to members of @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com Victims and Defence teams). See you there. https://twitter.com/PILPG/status/1613192137788514307
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/_Kate_Gibson/status/1613202608667123714
"Yet Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor for the ICC, is adamant that creating a new tribunal for prosecuting crimes of aggression will dilute the power of his court": not sure he ever said that or that this is the accurate interpretation of his remarks on this issue at #ASP21.
An anonymous member of the Defense Support Staff at the @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com discusses the reasons for their strike during #ASP21.
The fact that the author chose to anonymize this article is quite telling and must be a matter of concern for States and the Court https://www.jurist.org/commentary/2022/12/anonymous-icc-walkout-labor-rights/
In a @JURISTnews@twitter.com exclusive, a member of the legal defence support staff at the #InternationalCriminalCourt in The Hague speaks out on the circumstances behind their historic strike during the Assembly of States Parties last week. @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com #ASP21 https://www.jurist.org/commentary/2022/12/anonymous-icc-walkout-labor-rights/
#internationalcriminalcourt #asp21
At #ASP21 States agreed to 12.2% budget growth in 2023. Better than zero nominal growth, yet not what ICC requested (21.1%).
We may be headed for the system where its budgetary needs will increasingly be met via one-off donations like in 2022 — a handy argument for budget caps.
RT @DanyaChaikel@twitter.com
#ASP21: 🚨New Joint Statement on #legalaid, #labour protections & #victimsrights by teams who acted on behalf of/represented 14,365 participating victims in Lubanga, Katanga & Ngudjolo, Bemba, Ruto & Sang, Ongwen, Al Hassan, Yekatom & Ngaïssona, & Abd-Al-Rahmanon #ICC cases
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DanyaChaikel/status/1601331707906764800
#icc #victimsrights #labour #legalaid #asp21
It's rich of those states that succeeded in framing the jurisdictional regime over the crime of aggression so that it became impossible for #ICC to exercise jurisdiction in 🇺🇦 to then call for the establishment of the Special Tribunal for CoA in that situation. @ReedBrody@twitter.com #ASP21
There'd have been no Hissène #Habré trial without the ICC, which embodies the international anti-impunity norm. The AU threw its weight behind this case to show African leaders can be prosecuted in Africa for atrocity crimes. @ReedBrody@twitter.com's book launch "To Catch a Dictator" #ASP21.
RT @sl_pedroso@twitter.com
Day 5 of strike & protest of Defence & LRV Support Staff of the #ICC fighting for basic labour/human rights. We’ve received support all week from staff of the Court, NGOs, diplomats and other allies. Very grateful for the solidarity 🙏 #ASP21 let’s change this system #fairtrial
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sl_pedroso/status/1601171785143136256
US Rep @StateDept_GCJ@twitter.com just spoke at the #ASP21 plenary. Ambassador-at-Large has noted that US administration is engaged in a constructive dialogue and exploring ways to enhance cooperation with @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com and State Parties on witness protection, relocation and other matters.
RT @cmedgerton01@twitter.com
This was an outstanding panel. Ukrainian civil society experts working everywhere from frontlines to courtrooms, sharing experiences, insights and repeating an important #ASP21 message: “It’s time to change our approaches as to how we see justice.” It’s time we listened. https://twitter.com/ulagroup/status/1600805542284623872
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cmedgerton01/status/1600943417877745664
Ms Beti Hohler (#Slovenia) would make a very strong @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com judge. An excellent move by @MZZRS@twitter.com to propose her candidature. #ASP21
RT @MZZRS@twitter.com
At the #ICCASP21, State Secretary @markostucin@twitter.com reaffirmed #Slovenia's 🇸🇮 unwavering support for @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com and the fight against impunity for International crimes. He also presented the candidature of Ms Beti Hohler for the Int. Criminal Court judge.
Judge Guillou is an excellent candidate for the position of @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com judge. Great choice, @FranceinNL@twitter.com.
RT @FranceinNL@twitter.com
Présentation ce soir à la Résidence de France de la candidature de Nicolas Guillou, candidat 🇫🇷 au poste de juge à la @CourPenaleInt@twitter.com 👇
Presentation tonight of the candidacy of Nicolas Guillou, 🇫🇷 candidate to a judge's position at the @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FranceinNL/status/1600568593967710209
RT @FranceskAlbs@twitter.com
As #ASP21 starts: an effective & impartial international criminal investigation in the #oPt is warranted, given the mounting evidence of wilful killings of protected persons (a war crime under the Rome Statute). It is time to ensure accountability, deter abuses & end impunity. https://twitter.com/IntlCrimCourt/status/1599015363366248449
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FranceskAlbs/status/1599408831049568257
RT @DanyaChaikel@twitter.com
#ASP21: #ICC defence & victims' teams are owed basic #LabourRights. I am proud to stand in solidarity with these brave lawyers who are protesting at the Court and ASP this week.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DanyaChaikel/status/1600528705138434049
#metoo #wellbeing #legalaid #labourrights #icc #asp21
🚩#ASP21's side event: "A sustainable model for responding to conflict-related sexual violence in Ukraine" underlined the need to:
✅address stereotypes underpinning sexual violence
✅develop a framework dealing w/ those holistically
✅be informed by victims & NGOs' consultations
CSO interventions. @ngos4justice@twitter.com: the review and implementation of the IER recommendations should not just be a box-ticking exercise; it should be continuous and transparent while respecting fully judicial and prosecutorial independence. #ASP21
The 6th plenary session #ASP21 on the #ReviewMechanism of the ICC and the Rome Statute system following the critical IER Report.
Norway spoke now on behalf of Nordic countries, welcoming the Court organs' efforts to implement expert recommendations to improve workplace culture.
No one had shown up, so in theory any random person might occupy that very seat and ask for the floor at the #ASP21 plenary or something.
High-powered panel at the #ASP21 event "A sustainable model for responding to conflict-related sexual violence in 🇺🇦" convened by @4GenderJustice@twitter.com @GRC_HumanRights@twitter.com @fidh_en@twitter.com etc, feat. Hrystyna Kit, Anna Mykytenko, Kateryna Cherepakha, Carolyn Edgerton & Kim Thuy Seelinger #SGBV