Ieri ho iniziato a guardare #UnaSpiaTraNoi…e adesso sto già cercando il libro… 😎
#unaspiatranoi #aspyamongfriends
TV TONIGHT (April 16)
#Barry #WacoTheAftermath #AlexVsAmerica #CiaoHouse #HomeTown #ASpyAmongFriends #WWELegends #100FootWave #AmericanIdol #TheEqualizer #FamilyGuy #NBA #LuckyHank #LeguizamoDoesAmerica #TheWholeStory #90DayFiance #LoveIsBlind
#LoveIsBlind #90DayFiance #TheWholeStory #leguizamodoesamerica #luckyhank #nba #familyguy #theequalizer #americanidol #100footwave #wwelegends #aspyamongfriends #HomeTown #ciaohouse #alexvsamerica #wacotheaftermath #barry
De nieuwe Koude oorlog thriller serie: A Spy Among Friends. Aanradertje voor fans van het genre. Wat doe je als een vriend van je een mol blijkt te zijn?
#pimvanofferen #aspyamongfriends #spythriller #DamianLewis #GuyPearce
#pimvanofferen #aspyamongfriends #spythriller #damianlewis #guypearce
I just watched A Spy Among Friends 1x01 "Boom-Ooh-Yatatatah" #ASpyAmongFriends #trakt
TV TONIGHT (March 12)
#Oscars #Oscars95 #Oscars2023 #JimmyKimmel #AcademyAwards #TheLastOfUs #ASpyAmongFriends #NakedAndAfraid #YellowstoneWardens #MayorOfKingstown #TheEqualizer #90DayFiance #TheWayHome #YourHonor #EvilLivesHere #TheBlacklist
#TheBlacklist #evilliveshere #YourHonor #thewayhome #90DayFiance #theequalizer #mayorofkingstown #yellowstonewardens #nakedandafraid #aspyamongfriends #thelastofus #academyawards #jimmykimmel #Oscars2023 #oscars95 #oscars
@jozevolf Totally agree!
Generally, I'm not usually interested in spy material. And haven't seen the new series.
But this book was described as approaching the “Cambridge Five” history in a new light, interpreting the entire issue through the lens of a certain kind of British friendship. The intense, decades-long friendship between Nicholas Elliott and Kim Philby. It was a real page-turner, wondering how and when Philby is finally undone, and outed as a 30-year mole for the Soviets.
Amazing that someone can be a certain person inside, and so completely hide their real self from their closest friends. For 30 years.
There were flashes of the real Philby that shone through on occasion, but that was pretty rare.
Philby’s betrayal badly impacted the lives and careers of some of his closest friends and co-workers. Some of them went on destructive and fruitless mole-hunts in their own agencies, inflicting major damage on innocent people on both sides of the ocean.
Can you really know someone? No matter how long you’ve known them? Who can you trust? Can you really trust anyone?
Life is built on trust at the most basic level, but if you mistrust everyone and everything, how do you maintain your sanity? Maybe in the long run, some of the players in this book didn’t maintain theirs.
#bookreview #aspyamongfriends #cambridgefive
A SPY AMONG FRIENDS (2023) TV Mini-series Trailer: Guy Pearce & Damian Lewis are British Spies During the Cold War [MGM+]
#FilmBook #TVMini-seriesTrailer #ASpyAmongFriends #AdrianEdmondson #AnastasiaHille #AnnaMaxwellMartin #DamianLewis #EdwardBaker-Duly #Epix #GuyPearce #MGMPlus #NicholasRowe #NickMurphy #RadoslawKaim #StephenKunken #TVMini-SeriesTrailer
#filmbook #tvmini #aspyamongfriends #adrianedmondson #anastasiahille #annamaxwellmartin #damianlewis #edwardbaker #epix #guypearce #mgmplus #nicholasrowe #nickmurphy #radoslawkaim #stephenkunken
Is it just me or does Damian Lewis only have one single facial expression?
Sunday, January 15, the #EPIX network will officially be rebranded as MGM+, launching with the Season 3 premiere of #GodfatherOfHarlem. Also coming this year, the six-episode mini-series #ASpyAmongFriends beginning March 12, and the second season of #From starting April 23. New series #HotelCocaine and #SanFranciscoSounds have been greenlit, and #RogueHeroes and #BillyTheKid will have second seasons. Films from MGM and other Hollywood studios will also be available.
#epix #godfatherofharlem #aspyamongfriends #from #hotelcocaine #sanfranciscosounds #rogueheroes #billythekid
MGM+ Sets Premiere Dates for Limited Series "A Spy Among Friends" and Season 2 of "From" #ASpyAmongFriends #From #MGMPlus #MGM #TCA23
#tca23 #mgm #mgmplus #from #aspyamongfriends
#IHateSuzieToo and #ASpyAmongFriends make an odd double act, but Suzie is much too intense to do more than one episode a night.
#ihatesuzietoo #aspyamongfriends
Heute neu: A Spy Among Friends bei MagentaTV #ASpyAmongFriends #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #aspyamongfriends
I've been looking forward to A Spy Among Friends, the new tv series about Kim Philby and all that lot, and it was as good as I'd hoped, so I'm going to try not to binge it and watch an episode a that means I'll end up bingeing it over the weekend then
MGM+ Picks Up Limited Series "A Spy Among Friends" Starring Damian Lewis and Guy Pearce #ASpyAmongFriends #MGMPlus #ITV
#itv #mgmplus #aspyamongfriends