OK, call me mad, but I have ordered a handful of these. They'll be on sale in a couple of weeks.
This will be a very specialised and limited market I feel 🙂 and not make me any money (C.M.O.T.RevK again).
Tempted to throw in a 3D printed custom answer back drum with each order though...
It was definitely a fun project though. https://youtu.be/IrIK8SgE8c8
#ESP32 #retrocomputing #teletype #asr33
I have updated my #ASR33 controller board design. This has to be one of the most off the wall PCB and software designs I have done, even though I have sent to a couple of people with ASR33s. Owning a #teletype of any sort is rare.
The new connectors make it a lot simpler to connect now.
Just a reminder, I still need people to test the #DnD game I have running on my #HP2000 / Access TSB system.
Telnet to frieltek.com:2323
Press ^M^J until you get a login prompt
Enter HEL-T001,DNDTST,2 and answer Y to begin!
Please Boost!
#dnd #hp2000 #basic #spaghetticode #retrogaming #telnet #asr33
I keep forgetting to link to the game! Set your telnet client to use ^H as backspace, then telnet to frieltek.com:2323. Press ^M^J to get the login prompt. The type in HEL-T001,DNDTST,2 and press enter.
Message me if you have any problems or would like your own account on the HP2000/Access TimeShare BASIC system. "For the love of Vintage computing!"
#hp2000 #dnd #asr33 #teletype #spaghetticode
I fixed a couple more bugs in the DnD game on the HP2000. Heal was broken, and the FD 'Fight to the Death' mode basically just killed you. Oops. These were typos when entering that old text code into the system. On the upside, it is very stable and working. Now to start smoothing out the text display and remove some of the testing 'you are here' stuff I put in to debug it. There is no debugger in the HP2000 BASIC!
#dnd #hp2000 #asr33 #telnet #basic #fromthe70s
Made some nice progress today on the DND game running on the HP2000! I actually found the limit on code for any single program, so I had to split the main DND up with a second program that can be CHAIN'd into and then back again. Think of it as putting the GOSUBs in another program and then returning when needed.
If you have Telnet (and why wouldn't you?) and want to see what this is about, DM me!
#HP2000 #DnD #BASIC #Telnet #Teletype #ASR33
Please Boost!
#spaghetticode #hp2000 #dnd #basic #telnet #teletype #asr33
Dnd Game Update:
Yesterday I filled in the list of 30 monsters that an adventurer can encounter. I tried to rank them from easy to hard. Now I have to modify the probability tables for hits per weapon and defense per armor type.
The game is playable, but I am finding bugs in the code. Imagine that from 45 year old BASIC code!
Looking for helpers too!
#HP2000 #DnD #BASIC #Telnet #Teletype #ASR33
Please Boost!
#hp2000 #dnd #basic #telnet #teletype #asr33
@crash Like, they need BBS type access? Having dealt with everything since 110 baud, I can recommend a BBS system that is accessed via Telnet. I've even setup my ASR33 Teletype with a WiModem232 to access wifi and provide telnet access to the world. Works great! If a teletype can do it, any PC with a serial port and a communications program can do it.
#BBS #ASR33 #WIMODEM232 #Telnet
#bbs #asr33 #wimodem232 #telnet
@ghewgill @thomasbeagle
I have a pair of vintage terminals I've hooked up to wifi to my hosted HP2000 emulator. Good times! #ASR33 #DECwriter
Now that there is a complete HP2000 TSB emulator available, I've put it online on the Internet and have all the code I kept for DND typed in. I'm just missing the code that probably encompassed the initial instructions, and the base code to configure the items used in the game. If this is something you'd be interested in helping with, please DM me and I will create an account for you on the system.
Also, please BOOST this!
#dnd #hp2000 #tty #asr33 #therebemonstershere
It was some slow progress last night getting a repurposed RPi A+ running with the ASR 33. Turns out that bracketed-paste escape codes were coming through the getty login. No idea why, but using the paper punch I could see ESC?2004l and ESC?2004h. Finally got it working. This is for a demo of time share BASIC the week after next. #tty #asr33
One happy ASR-33 on the Internet!