Чет с утра сегодня встал с играющей в голове песенкой из фильма Асса про ВВС (военно воздушные силы)
Пришлось искать на youtube и прослушать, помогло.
Вообще Асса вроде с первого взгляда ничего выдающегося из себя не представляет, но ты пересматриваешь его через года, десятилетия и даже просыпаешься с его песнями в голове. Весь этот концентрат той эпохи, он одновременно и притягивает и отталкивает, но больше притягивает.
"The two characteristics most associated with higher rates of sexual harassment are (a) male-dominated gender ratios and leadership and (b) an organizational climate that communicates tolerance of sexual harassment." Great talk by Billy Williams of the American Geophysical Union at #AEA #CSWEP panel on sexual harassment at #AEA #ASSA Annual Meeting. He added (paraphrasing): "We can predict where this will happen."
#ASSA meeting this week,our paper “what do people believe about monetary finance and what can(’t) we do about it?”(with C.Hommes and I.Salle) will be presented in the "experiments on macroeconomics" session (by I.Salle). Paper still being drafted, but here is what we do in short🧵
Attending the #ASSA Meetings in New Orleans? Please come to our joint International Association for Energy Economics/American Economic Association panel session discussing Reliability in the Energy Transition. #energy #econ #energytransition
#energytransition #econ #energy #assa
Really excited about presenting at #ASSA (joint work w/ Islam, Hassan, Wang. Will share the AEA P&P soon! BTW I'll attend in person on Jan 7 and 8 🙂
To all the #Women interested in #RealEstate, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association will host a panel on Academia-Industry Collaborations at the #ASSA meeting. Here is a link to registration: https://areuea.wufoo.com/forms/register-wren-areueaassa-academiaindustry-panel/
Anyone already proposed/interested in an informal in-person gathering of folks in the emerging Mastodon community at the #ASSA/#AEA/#AFA meetings in New Orleans this January?
The Society of Government Economists will sponsor seven sessions at the #ASSA meetings on January 6-8, 2023. Please join us! On Day 3, we a session on Children and Parental Labor Supply.
The Society of Government Economists will sponsor seven sessions at the #ASSA meetings on January 6-8, 2023. Please join us! On Day 2, we have three sessions on #Productivity, #Covid-19 Pandemic Economics, Exploring Household Earnings, Income, and Responses to Policy
Using Tax Data
The Society of Government Economists will sponsor seven sessions at the #ASSA meetings on January 6-8, 2023. Please join us! On Day 1, we have three sessions on Access to Credit Markets, Responses to Tax Credits and Big Data.
The 2023 Sky Guide is almost out, and here's an interview with authors Auke Slotegraaf and Ian Glass:
The sky guide is published in conjunction with the Astronomical Society of South Africa, and is extremely handy for anybody interested in what they can see in the night skies, south of the equator.
#southafrica #skyguide #assa #astronomy
The 2023 Sky Guide is almost out, and here's an interview with authors Auke Slotegraaf and Ian Glass:
The sky guide is published in conjunction with the Astronomical Society of South Africa, and is extremely handy for anybody interested in what they can see in the night skies, south of the equator.
#southafrica #skyguide #assa #astronomy
RT @Nantes_Revoltee
En juillet 2016, Adama Traoré mourait asphyxié sous le poids de gendarmes dans la caserne de Persan, près de Beaumont-sur-Oise. Un crime d’État, une violence raciste et sécuritaire.
#adama #assa #BaguiTraoré #justice #vérité
RT @Nantes_Revoltee
En juillet 2016, Adama Traoré mourait asphyxié sous le poids de gendarmes dans la caserne de Persan, près de Beaumont-sur-Oise. Un crime d’État, une violence raciste et sécuritaire.
#adama #assa #BaguiTraoré #justice #vérité