Have your cake and it. For #assa2023 we launched a game with Cambridge UP to give away a signed copy of my Data Analysis textbook and a cake of choice. Finally, here w Kata Juhasz, phd student at Corvinus. Book and Sacher cake look delicious. #EconTwitter
Congratulations! What a great and well-deserved honor.
RT @AEAInformation
Congratulations to @b_eichengreen of @UCBerkeley who was presented the 2022 award of Distinguished Fellow by @Susan_Athey at the #ASSA2023 Annual Meeting. https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/honors-awards/distinguished-fellows
Don’t miss @itskhoki@twitter.com in June @vimacro_org@twitter.com
More info: http://www.vimacro.org/oleg-itskhoki-optimal-exchange-rate-policy
#EconTwitter #economics
RT @AEAInformation@twitter.com
Congratulations to @itskhoki@twitter.com who was presented with the 2022 Clark Medal by @Susan_Athey@twitter.com at the #ASSA2023 Annual Meeting. https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/honors-awards/bates-clark
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AEAInformation/status/1617535037552955392
#econtwitter #economics #assa2023
My #ASSA2023 paper from Sunday "Who is Doing the Chores and Childcare in Dual-earner Couples during the COVID-19 Era of Working from Home?" has been published in #REHO. @VictoriaKVernon and I would like to thank our editor @enrica_croda #WFH #ATUS
An ungated version of the paper is available here: https://rdcu.be/c240e.
RT @andy_garin@twitter.com
Impressions on #ASSA2023:
1. New Orleans was fun but too far from where I live. The conference should be held in Chicago every year, or, better yet, Decatur IL
2. The energy of young people sprinting around streets suits was lacking. In person interviews should be mandatory and
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/andy_garin/status/1612590346650947585
Slides from our #ASSA2023 panel 'a guide to credit reporting data' are public:
Our paper is in-progress so is super helpful to email me (/ one of us) your questions / comments about these data or slides to inform this. Thanks!
congrats Charlie
RT @eckelcc@twitter.com
Congratulations to Charlie Holt, recipient of the first Distinguished Economic Education Award from the American Economic Association. In this photo KimMarie McGoldrick, Chair of AEACEE. #Assa2023, #EconTwitter
RT @sdonnan@twitter.com
Read this quote in our @economics@twitter.com wrap from #ASSA2023 almost 24 hours ago and it still feels like the most honest and humble thing I've seen an economist say in a long time... https://twitter.com/sdonnan/status/1612178154784948226
RT @benjamminlester
Just back from #ASSA2023. Without job candidates/interviews I see no reason to travel the 1st week after Xmas to present a paper in 1 of 50 simultaneous sessions to a room with 12 people. That being said…it was nice to see some old friends :)
RT @pedrohcgs
Came back from #ASSA2023 very motivated and grateful!
Here's a picture of @agoodmanbacon, Liyang Sun, Brant Callaway, and me, just after we received the @JEconometrics Dennis J Aigner Award for the best empirical paper (our 3 DiD papers shared the award)
Thanks a lot!!!
RT @GaborBekes@twitter.com
Look how happy some people are holding @Gabors_Data@twitter.com! Here with @johnvanreenen@twitter.com @raffasadun@twitter.com @danielascur@twitter.com @renata__lemos@twitter.com.
You can check it out at #ASSA2023 today at @CambUP_Econ@twitter.com booth and even win a signed copy + a cake - just take a photo and share #GaborsData. https://twitter.com/GaborBekes/status/1611837661035073537
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GaborBekes/status/1612091556374224901
It is amazing how one conference (#ASSA2023) led to so many statements that hybrid conferences are horrible. We are talking about setting up a Zoom session and doing a connection/sound check in advance.
Our paper on the technological promises and political pitfalls of automated enforcement of environmental regulations is out in the NBER newsletter! Great way to start the year, and maybe you can read it on your way back from #ASSA2023.
Sunrise as we approach Amsterdam. I had a lot of fun at #ASSA2023, but nothing beats coming home! Tomorrow we'll have our first job talk; exciting times ahead!
Hybrid conferences are important for accessibility and inclusivity.
IMO The answer is not to ditch hybrid conferences, but to improve IT systems so it isn't so onerous.
RT @jenniferdoleac@twitter.com
No more hybrid conferences please the IT issues are endless and exhausting. #ASSA2023
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jenniferdoleac/status/1612130637602852865
A few ours left! #ASSA2023 #EconTwitter @CambUP_Econ@twitter.com
RT @GaborBekes@twitter.com
To celebrate one year of @Gaborsdata@twitter.com, With @CambridgeUP@twitter.com we run the Piece of Cake game at #ASSA2023. To win a signed copy + a Dobos or a Sacher cake (authors' fav), come to the Cambridge UP booth, take a picture with the book and share it on social media with #GaborsData.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GaborBekes/status/1610318484063256576
#assa2023 #econtwitter #gaborsdata
#ASSA2023 get early to the airport, lines are huge! (approx. 1 hr wait time)
Here's my quick reflections on #ASSA2023 #EconTwitter: mainly, it was great to be there + to participate in person, + a cool location! There are still LOTS of good things about the conference
Great to see the BOE so active on twitter. Other CBs should follow this practice, it's a service to your communities.
RT @BoE_Research@twitter.com
Chief Economist Huw Phill kicks off our special session on “Monetary Policy for Conventional Times: What toolkit for the Future?” #ASSA2023 https://twitter.com/boe_research/status/1611381555116613642
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BoE_Research/status/1612088841849954305
RT @GaborBekes@twitter.com
Yes, @Gabors_Data@twitter.com at #ASSA2023!
Visit the booth, for a chance to win a signed copy + a cake delivered to you (soon), take a pic with the Data Analysis book, share your pic here or other social media, tag me + add #GaborsData. https://twitter.com/CambUP_Econ/status/1611331933279080448
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GaborBekes/status/1611495073270603776