'Rs 49k for Tea': How Assam Govt Spent Rs 1.6 Crores From Kaziranga Funds to Host Ram Nath Kovind
In addition to Rs 1.1 crore from the tiger conservation fund, Rs 51 lakh was allocated by top forest official M.K. Yadava from another wildlife fund of the national park for the visit in 2022.
#assam #RamNathKovind #kaziranga #MKYadava #AssamGovt #KazirangaFunds #BJP #president #india
#assam #ramnathkovind #kaziranga #mkyadava #assamgovt #kazirangafunds #BJP #president #india
The Weaponisation of Health Records and Need for Privacy
Recent child marriage arrests in Assam raise the question of how much of our health data the state has access to.
#HealthRecords #privacy #assam #AssamGovt #data #DataProtection #healthcare #health #governance #StateSurveillance #india
#HealthRecords #privacy #assam #assamgovt #data #dataprotection #healthcare #health #governance #statesurveillance #india
Assam: Large-scale eviction drive underway in Lakhimpur district
The eviction drive will displace 500 families, most of them belonging to the Bengali Muslim community, from 450 hectares of land.
#assam #lakhimpur #pava #moghuli #muslims #evictions #BJP #AssamGovt #BengaliMuslims #displacement #PMAY #MGNREGA #MastIndia #india
#assam #lakhimpur #pava #moghuli #muslims #evictions #BJP #assamgovt #bengalimuslims #displacement #pmay #MGNREGA #mastindia #india