Avec le Comité de soutien à Julian #Assange, la #LDH interpelle le premier ministre australien sur le sort du lanceur d’alerte : le pays natal du fondateur de #WikiLeaks doit agir plus fermement pour sa libération.
Assange come pochi altri ci ha mostrato le prove della sorveglianza e della violazione della privacy operata sui cittadini
Hacker, editore e giornalista, Julian #Assange proprio in questi giorni rischia l'estradizione in USA.
Ecco un articolo pubblicato da #Key4Biz il 2/12/2011 che dava notizia della dirompente mole di documenti presentati da #wikileaks e da Bureau of Investigative Journalism su aziende che rubano dati personali!
#assange #Key4biz #wikileaks #privacypride
abc.net (traduction DeepL.com/Translator)
Une délégation parlementaire se rendra à Washington pour exhorter les États-Unis à renoncer à l’extradition de Julian Assange
#Assange #libertedelapresse #wikikeaks #USA #Australie
#assange #libertedelapresse #wikikeaks #usa #australie
"Learn Your Cover Story" why CIA wanted to murder
advice to #CIA hackers landing in #Frankfurt https://web.archive.org/web/20220814081014/https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_26607630.html
Update from #Assange's Ecuadorian lawyer @AitorxMartinez
on the legality of his arrest & expulsion from the London embassy. In May 2023 Carlos Poveda, his other lawyer in Ecuador, told @Consortiumnews :
"British police personnel entered absolutely without authorization. I want to emphasize that Assange is still Ecuadorian. That is another case we have in Ecuador.
Baerbock forderte die „sofortige Freilassung“ von #Assange – Als Ministerin muss sie jetzt handeln! https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/offener-brief-an-annalena-baerbock-verhandeln-sie-fuer-die-freiheit-von-julian-assange-li.386823
Le calvaire de Julian #Assange a assez duré. Le @gouvernement doit se saisir de ce dossier : il s’honorerait d’accorder l’asile à Assange, journaliste le plus primé du 21ème siècle.
#Wikileaks: Celebridades piden al gobierno alemán que ayuden a Julian #Assange (en alemán) – netzpolitik.org - https://netzpolitik.org/2023/wikileaks-promis-rufen-aussenministerin-baerbock-zur-hilfe-fuer-julian-assange-auf/
Zahlreiche Prominente aus Politik, Medien und Kultur fordern in einem offenen Brief Annalena #baerbock auf, sich bei der Regierung der #USA für die Freilassung des #Whistleblower #Assange einzusetzen:
#assange #whistleblower #usa #baerbock
Der Bundesvorsitzende des Deutschen Journalisten-Verbands @ueberall gehört zu den Unterzeichnern eines Briefs an Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock, der die Ministerin zum Einsatz für #Wikileaks-Gründer Julian #Assange auffordert.
#FreeAssange #JulianAssange
DJV-Pressemitteilung: https://www.djv.de/startseite/profil/der-djv/pressebereich-download/pressemitteilungen/detail/news-einsatz-fuer-assange-gefordert
#wikileaks #assange #freeassange #julianassange
Westliche Werte: Unterdrückung der Wahrheit zum Schutz von unkontrollierter Macht, Korruption und Straflosigkeit.
#Assange #FreeAssange #JulianAssange #Hamburg #HH
Demo in Hamburg:
#assange #freeassange #julianassange #hamburg #hh
Westliche Werte:
Unterdrückung der Wahrheit zum Schutz von unkontrollierter Macht, Korruption und Straflosigkeit.
#Assange #FreeAssange #JulianAssange #Hamburg #HH
Demo in Hamburg:
#assange #freeassange #julianassange #hamburg #hh
"Defend #Assange" event with Craig Murray & Scott Ritter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZoUI2Au4w0
Non basta la censura sulle vicenda del giornalista che ha avuto il solo merito di rendere note verità sgradite ad inglesi e statunitensi sulle guerre in Iraq e Afghanistan. Oltre alle notizie, si vogliono cancellare anche i simboli.
https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/may/04/julian-assange-us-justice-department-wikileaks If you care about press freedom, make some noise about Julian Assange #assange #wikileaks #freedom #hero
#assange #wikileaks #freedom #HERO
Cross-party delegation of Australian politicians to travel to US in attempt to build momentum against extraditing WikiLeaks founder.
Six Australian politicians are expected to focus on freedom-of-speech arguments when they fly to Washington DC later this month to warn against extraditing the WikiLeaks founder from the UK.
#PressFreedom #HumanRights #Journalism #WikiLeaks #Assange
#pressfreedom #humanrights #journalism #wikileaks #assange
Australian MPs to travel to US to build momentum against extraditing #Assange https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/sep/05/australian-mps-to-lobby-us-to-drop-julian-assange-prosecution-or-risk-very-dangerous-precedent-for-russia-and-china
Australian delegation to lobby against Julian Assange extradition to the U.S. https://politicaliq.com/2023/09/05/australians-to-lobby-against-assange-extradition/ #Assange #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #ChelseaManning #Espionage #ClassifiedDocuments #Australia #politicaliq #news #politics
#assange #julianassange #wikileaks #chelseamanning #espionage #classifieddocuments #australia #politicaliq #News #politics
"Julian’s fate will be decided based on whether the US Government listens to Australian representatives. That’s why the Assange Australia campaign is sending a delegation of Australian politicians from across the political spectrum to Washington - aiming to secure his release from Belmarsh Prison in the UK."