#Georgia .... Eventually the Fucking Be I will be stalking EVERY AMERICAN who wants to end the #FascistRegime. They have had LOTS of practice, and NEVER get found to have committed an "Unlawful Killing". #Gestapo #Assassins @BostonGlobe
#georgia #fascistregime #gestapo #assassins
Assassins at @chichesterft
System, video walls, tech and art….and USA 🇺🇸
#assassins #show #theatre #chichester #cft #england #south #uk #tech #theatretech #video #production #bluei #ledwall #disguise #d3
#d3 #disguise #ledwall #bluei #production #Video #theatretech #Tech #UK #south #england #CFT #Chichester #theatre #show #assassins
I barely have a clue what's being said, but I posted it for people who don't know #AdamaTraoré is
Enquête : les dernières heures d' #AdamaTraoré
#ACAB #assassins
If there are better vids, let me know☮️
#adamatraore #acab #assassins #justicepouradamatraore
In my attempt to find the #corn casting #guide source, I have came across something interesting.
#owl #man is called the #devil in Sandstrom's "Corn is our #blood" #anthropology #book but if you go back far enough, Owl Men were #assassins dressed as a #owl. Owls were seen as servants of #death so they would dress up as an owl to become an #avatar of death through #animism
Whether its a misinterpretation by Sandstrom or changed view of modern #Amatlan, its still interesting #history
#corn #guide #owl #man #devil #blood #anthropology #book #assassins #death #avatar #animism #amatlan #history
5 juilliet July
#France #racistpolicing
Interview with #journalist #RokhayaDiallo
#assassins #ACAB #racistpoliceviolence
#democracynow #france #racistpolicing #Journalist #RokhayaDiallo #justicepournahel #assassins #acab #racistpoliceviolence #violencespolicieres
The Man Who Teaches Our 🐖🐖🐖Cops To Kill | BEHIND THE BASTARDS
#assassins #ACAB #BehindTheBastardsPodcast
This is in Amerika, but globally, these scumbags often use each others' tactics
#assassins #acab #behindthebastardspodcast #policetactics #justicepournahel #JusticeForChrisKaba #justiceforbankobrown
No one cares about the phoney concern of some toff (who married his schoolteacher) pretending to care about les banlieues
Week of rioting rocks #France after killing of #NahelMerzouk
#policetraining needs to change.
#france #nahelmerzouk #policetraining #acab #assassins #justicepournahel
@mohair qu est ce que ça aurait été si il avait pas écrit ça ^^ ( je rappel que y a eu des morts en 68 dont aux moins 2 tués par des balles de la police (et oui les #flics #assassins cela ne date pas d hier ) d autre a cause de grenades "offensives"
#Assassins #Creed #Odyssey
Watch Chaz_Be79 with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/chaz_be79?sr=a
Macrounet et sa longue histoire d'amour avec des tarés alcooliques qui font du mal aux animaux https://lecourrier-du-soir.com/gros-scandale-en-france-en-pleine-crise-sociale-macron-debloque-80-millions-deuros-pour-les-chasseurs/ #Macron #enculésdechasseurs #assassins #grosbeaufs
#macron #enculesdechasseurs #assassins #grosbeaufs
From 2016 comes Pac-Pac, a Pac-Man style arcade game for an unusual platform: the Commodore Plus/4!
The Commodore 64 was famously intended to be a family computer that could also play games. The Plus/4 was intended as more of a business machine, without hardware sprites or the 64's capable sound chip. It still had 64K of RA
#indies #niche #retro #arcadestyle #assassins #commodore #indie #kichy #maze #niche #pacman #pacpac #plus/4 #retro #skaro
#skaro #plus #pacpac #pacman #maze #kichy #indie #commodore #assassins #arcadestyle #retro #niche #indies
A Taxi driver was #Chiquita's bagman for peasant #assassins. He gets convicted, but NOT the scum in suits who hired him and the assassins.
"Chiquita’s Bagman: Key Intermediary Sentenced in Paramilitary Payments Case" | National Security Archive
Get out of the way #JujutsuKaisen and #ChainsawMan. A new #anime is in town is capturing #audience attention.
Released onto #Crunchyroll, #HellsParadise has #assassins who are about to be executed sent to a far away land in search of the #elixir of life.
Fantastic visuals and a #story that is quickly ramping up, check out my article on Movie Web if you're interested in #learning more!
#jujutsukaisen #chainsawman #anime #audience #crunchyroll #hellsparadise #assassins #elixir #story #learning
Started watching #KillingEve on ZDF Mediathek. Looks a bit like #CatchMeIfYouCan meets #Assassins (the one with Stallone and Banderas). Only started watching because of #SandraOh, but looks like I will stick with it.
CC: @Helene
#killingeve #catchmeifyoucan #assassins #sandraoh
#SainteSoline #BassinesNonMerci #assassins
Médecin à Sainte-Soline, je témoigne de la répression
#SainteSoline #BassinesNonMerci #assassins
"Mais au téléphone, le Samu « lui a répondu qu’il avait eu l’ordre du commandement de la gendarmerie de ne pas intervenir »
À Sainte-Soline, les secours ont été bloqués après un déluge de feu
#SainteSoline #NoBassaran #assassins
Oise : Poursuivi par une meute, un cerf se tue en fonçant dans des barbelés https://www.20minutes.fr/faits_divers/4028762-20230320-oise-poursuivi-meute-cerf-tue-foncant-barbeles #chasse #enculésdechasseurs #assassins #meurtriers #dangerspublics
#chasse #enculesdechasseurs #assassins #meurtriers #dangerspublics
Kotaku: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty’s Most Frustrating Enemy Can Go To Hell https://kotaku.com/wo-long-fallen-dynasty-hard-dual-sword-assassin-1850194022 #gaming #tech #kotaku #orderofassassins #assassinations #creativeworks #medievalsyria #medievalislam #seljukempire #zhangliang #assassins #musicals #yuji #lubu #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #orderofassassins #assassinations #creativeworks #medievalsyria #medievalislam #seljukempire #zhangliang #assassins #musicals #yuji #lubu #rpg