@mustikkasoppa Pelit vie mukavasti mielen muualle todellisesta maailmasta. Itse seikkailen usein illansuussa viikinkien ajan Englannissa.
That's a lot of Assassin's Creed!
Free Play Days - Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Valhalla, The Ezio Collection, and The Elder Scrolls Online - Xbox Wire https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/08/10/free-play-days-assassins-creed-valhalla-the-ezio-collection-black-flag-and-the-elder-scrolls-online/
#AssassinsCreed4 #AssassinsCreedValhalla #AssassinsCreedEzioCollection #TheElderScrollsOnline #ESO #Xbox #FreePlayDays #Microsoft #GamingNews
#assassinscreed4 #assassinscreedvalhalla #assassinscreedeziocollection #theelderscrollsonline #eso #xbox #freeplaydays #microsoft #gamingnews
Kun on niin paljon tohinaa ja vilskettä, piti ottaa hetki aikaa itselle ja käydä napsimassa luontokuva.
#AssassinsCreedValhalla #kettu
#assassinscreedvalhalla #kettu
Pues me he terminado al fin el Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Me ha parecido un juegazo a pesar de empezarlo y que me chirriase sin saber muy bien por qué. Ha sido una experiencia distinta a lo que nos tenían acostumbrados. Ya a lo último se me ha hecho un poco largo quizá con la expansión del Ragnarok. Pero ha valido la pena. Ha sido un gran viaje. Te echaré de menos Eivor
#assassinscreedvalhalla #juegoterminado
ตอนแรกๆ เบื่อปีนภูเขามาก พอผ่านช่วงแรกๆ ไปตอนนี้เริ่มสนุกแระ แต่เจอบัคเยอะ ไปติดบ้าง ไม่ขยับบ้าง #AssassinsCreedValhalla
Ayer me pasé la tarde jugando al #AssassinsCreedValhalla y me acabaron entrando remordimientos. A ver si el día de hoy cunde más
¡Buenos días!
#assassinscreedvalhalla #alturron
Pues.... he picado en los descuentos de #Ubisoft y por 10 euros me he pillado el #AssassinsCreedValhalla y empezare a jugarlo despues de jugar a los de #StarWars qeu tengo pendiente😎
#ubisoft #assassinscreedvalhalla #starwars
@joshthetechie What a mess! I'm gone to Ireland for a couple weeks and there are bodies everywhere! #AssassinsCreedValhalla #WrathOfTheDruids
#assassinscreedvalhalla #wrathofthedruids
Found an NPC challenge on an island who wanted an honorable death, so I fought him and then carried / threw him off the cliffs and then onto a boat!
Took this guy all the way to King's Hall. The waves tossed the little boat so badly that the body fell off! Fortunately he floated, and I could navigate the boat directly over him and the Carry prompt popped up. Now I have a non-order member there too! #AssassinsCreedValhalla
@joshthetechie I finished the last Danu member but the church building he was in is inaccessible after the fight scene. So I've only got 7 out of 10. 2 are impossible to get and the last one must have fallen in a bush somewhere. #AssassinsCreedValhalla
@joshthetechie Children of Danu contiue to drop far apart in #AssassinsCreedValhalla - I've killed 8, one was in a cave where you can't carry the body out. So I should have 7 bodies by King's Hall, but I only have 5. The game has either dropped them through to beneath the level, or they're hidden in bushes somewhere and I can't find them.
Terminado el Asedio de París en #AssassinsCreedValhalla me gustó mucho más La ira de los druidas, pero este DLC ha estado muy entretenido, sólo falta ya Ragnarok (cuando esté más barato jajaja)
So a weird thing happened in #AssassinsCreedValhalla #WrathOfTheDruids yesterday. I got an arrow stuck on my hand and it wouldn't come off.
#assassinscreedvalhalla #wrathofthedruids
@joshthetechie Got my first body by King's Hall yesterday! Only bad part is Dublin is in the BOTTOM RIGHT of the entire map. I'm gonna have to carry everyone all the way there each time lol. But it's only 3k and there's only 10 members. #AssassinsCreedValhalla
#WrathOfTheDruids #IAmNotWastingMyLife
#iamnotwastingmylife #assassinscreedvalhalla #wrathofthedruids
@joshthetechie I've started the Wrath of the Druids expansion and guess what?! There's another order tree of people to murder!!! So I'll be dragging bodies to Dublin this time lol. #AssassinsCreedValhalla #WrathOfTheDruids
#assassinscreedvalhalla #wrathofthedruids
Y una vez terminado #HogwardsLegacy volvemos a #AssassinsCreedValhalla ahora a reventar París jajaja de momento me está gustando mucho más el DLC de Irlanda pero ya sabía que esto iba a pasar, luego a ver si ponen Ragnarok a un precio decente, le pondré una velita a San Ubisoft a ver.
#hogwardslegacy #assassinscreedvalhalla
Fiestas de la Oskoreia, que chulada 🤍💀
#assassinscreed #assassinscreedvalhalla #acvalhalla #valhalla #ilovethisgame #ingamephotography #ingamescreenshot #ingamesphotography #ingamelandscape #virtualworld #gameshot #openworld #ubisoftgames #photomode #ubisoft #virtuallandscapes #vpcommunity #vp #virtualphotography
#assassinscreed #assassinscreedvalhalla #acvalhalla #valhalla #ilovethisgame #ingamephotography #ingamescreenshot #ingamesphotography #ingamelandscape #virtualworld #gameshot #openworld #ubisoftgames #photomode #ubisoft #virtuallandscapes #vpcommunity #vp #virtualphotography
The Isle of Skye expansion for AC: Valhalla is preposterously good, and yet, people still say the sci-fi element (aka the plot) of the AC series is bad? #AssassinsCreedValhalla #gamedev
#assassinscreedvalhalla #gamedev
My #ubisoftplus sub is about to run out…not done with #acvalhalla. Finished the Final Chapter DLC; not done with Ragnarok. I could try the roguelike mode; I could raid…it’s strange: I have never been fond of evergreen online games, but I could just play and play this silly game. Is this what they’re putting into #assassinscreedinfinity? If so, I am (somewhat shamefully) all the way in.
#ubisoftplus #acvalhalla #assassinscreedinfinity #assassinscreedvalhalla #dawnofragnarok
#AssassinsCreedValhalla #DawnOfRagnarock is ridiculous good fun. Yes, I am Odin in steampunk armour riding a reindeer through the land of the dwarves. Yes, I barely have any idea what's going on. Yes, I am still raiding camps and fighting bosses, this time with lava.
None of that matters. What matters is that I CAN TURN INTO A BIRD. Not fly a scout bird like the last three games. I can become👏a👏bird and fly places.
Everything is permitted. I am a bird now.
#assassinscreedvalhalla #dawnofragnarock