#donkeyoftheday 130:
The donkey in Egyptian hieroglyphics was called Aa-hemet or "Eeyore"...
So that's clearly where A.A.Milne got his donkey's name from when writing the Pooh Bear stories, from the ancient Egyptians. But he didn't call Eeyore "Aa-hemet" because we are not #asscademics and don't speak ancient Egyptian. So he just used Eeyore.
😉 Now you know.
(Source: "Donkeys in Ancient Egypt" by Venice Ibrahim Attia on www.academia.edu)
#donkeyoftheday #asscademics #asstodon #wednesbray
#donkeyoftheday 56:
I've begun "Introducing the Medieval Ass," by Kathryn Smithies. (See #libraybooks yesterday.)
But I have not yet read any of it. I am instead playing with the animated #donkey on the page corners! You flip the pages and it jumps and kicks .
Tell me, media studies #asscademics at the University of Muybridge; is there a Latin technical name for this? Ah, thank you..! An #equinotrope
It's truly a real page turner.
#donkeyoftheday #libraybooks #donkey #asscademics #equinotrope #asstodon #wednesbray #muybridge
Well, I tried the pun on my #emeritass #asscademics and they remained unmoved and morose.
After I discovered how my donkeys were fascinated by reflections of themselves in the village town hall reflective window (Matilde in this example), I did some research and some #asscademics suggest that donkeys have unusual facial recognition skills.
They create a wide range of visual cues with their ears, and maybe this leads to their ability to visually recognize and interpret human facial expressions.
The Ohio sanctuary mirror video is wonderful!