Now that the TopSpeed TechKit with its #assembler is out in the world, I'm considering porting the #TASM and #MASM code in one or two of the open source #EPOC16 apps over to TSASM.
Hardly an urgent project, but it would mean that the apps could be built with one #compiler ecosystem with a single project file.
Of course, the code would still be restricted to the #16bit world, but it's no worse off than we already are in #Psion land.
#retrocomputing #retrodev #dosbox #psion #16bit #compiler #epoc16 #masm #tasm #assembler
@alexcleac У мене першою мовою був #basic на синклері з 48 кіло пам'яті. Потім був #pascal на 286 процесорі. Після - #assembler. Після я довго мучився з чим завгодно (наприклад #geant - отка екзотика), поки не знайшов #python, який завдяки потужному залізу (а воно зараз на тлі 48к усе потужне) узагалі не вбивається. Але в улюбленому геймдеві марна річ. Хоча якщо міць наростять, а її наростять, то ще подивимося.
Стоп. Я ще кодив на калькуляторі МК52, тож було життя і до бейсіка.
#basic #pascal #assembler #geant #python
OK hivemind a question to end the week.
What piece of #code has run the most times since #computing began, and what device(s) does it run on? 🤔
#software #program #assembler #machinecode
#code #computing #software #program #assembler #machinecode
@haitchfive @thomasfuchs Commodore released an excellent Programmer's Reference Guide for each of their computers (VIC-20, C64, C128, etc) and there was a wealth of information from third parties. Most of what I learned was from Jim Butterfield and his excellent books!
#RetroComputing #Commodore #MOS6502 #VIC20 #MachineLanguage #Assembler #Programmig
#retrocomputing #commodore #mos6502 #vic20 #machinelanguage #assembler #programmig
Ich versuche meine Artikel immer etwas "anzureichern", so dass auch Fortgeschrittene etwas davon haben.
In diesem "Cheatsheet"-Artikel über #Winkel und #Steigung gibt es am Ende auch ein kleines Demo wie man #Assembler-Code und #FPU-Befehle in C-Programme einbettet.
#winkel #steigung #assembler #FPU
„Schreibe eine 1 in Register a“.
“Write a 1 into register a”
mov eax, 1
5 Byte:
1 Byte / mov, 4 Byte / 32 bits 1
xor eax, eax
inc eax
3 Byte:
2 Byte / xor (x XOR x == 0)
1 Byte / inc
@jhx I would like to draw the valued attention of the audience to #DuffsDevice. I think it proves that #C indeed is a portable #assembler 😎
But seriously, many C constructs map very nicely to machine instructions of many platforms, so there is some truth to it.
I only ever touch assembler for the #MOS6502 because its instruction set and general design (e.g. the fixed system-wide and pretty small stack) indeed isn't a great match for C...
#duffsdevice #c #assembler #mos6502
It’s Snake, In A QR Code, But Smaller - We’re not sure that many of you have recognised the need in your life for an x86 m... - #assembler #qrcode #games #snake
#snake #games #qrcode #assembler
@blacklight I’m aging myself saying this - but in the first year of of my career, I wrote code in assembly language to fit into 32KB of an onboard computer. In the next couple of hours, we had 64KB - that felt like a luxury! Today, my MacBook Pro has 16 GB and still struggles with a couple of browsers, mail, etc. #pdp11 #assembler
How to Use Assembly to Interact with the Desktop Application Directly #gui #assembler
My x64-based OS contains now a fully working FAT12 driver. Check-it out here: #osdev #internals #assembler #lowlevel #linux
#Linux #lowlevel #assembler #internals #osdev
that was the #cpu already very outdated at the time... there was a basic plug-in module but we quickly switched to #assembler ... luckily there was an interpretative dialog assembler (IDAS) as a plug-in module 🤘🏼
Always remember that Skynet ran on 8-bit technology.
#terminator #skynet #assembler #8bit #retrocomputing
#terminator #skynet #assembler #8bit #retrocomputing
Why is a "BSS" section used in so many assemblers across platforms, and where does it originate?
Turns out: IBM. Again.
“The FORTRAN Assembly Program (FAP) is an assembler for the 709 … [computers].
Its pseudo-operation BSS, used to reserve memory, is the origin of the common name of the "BSS section", still used in many assembly languages today for designating reserved memory address ranges of the type not having to be saved in the executable image.“
Syscall documentation for int80 #kernel #documentation #assembler
#kernel #documentation #assembler
Wrote my first bit of #6502 #assembler today. Going through the #AtariVCS programming course on Pikuma to brush up on my assembler. #retrocomputing #programming #gamedev #atari #nes #retrogaming
#assembler #atarivcs #retrocomputing #programming #gamedev #atari #nes #retrogaming
#reverseengineering Lesson 117: ARM-32 Project (Part 3 – Hacking Float) #assembler #c #cyber #cybersecurity #hack #hacking
#reverseengineering #assembler #c #cyber #cybersecurity #hack #hacking
Long overdue #introduction post.
Hi, I'm Amand, welcome here !
I'm a #linux #sysadmin from #Belgium.
I love #retrocomputing and #homebrewcomputing mostly because it gets me to better understand how computers work.
Also #programming in #python, #C and #assembler
Currently trying to make a #riscv processor using discrete logic.
My other hobbies include #hiking, #woodworking and #woodturning, #gardening, #reading, and more.
I mostly post in English, sometimes in French.
#introduction #linux #sysadmin #belgium #retrocomputing #homebrewcomputing #programming #python #c #assembler #riscv #hiking #woodworking #woodturning #gardening #reading
#reverseengineering Lesson 116: ARM-32 Project (Part 2 – Hacking Int) #assembler #c #cyber #cybersecurity #hack #hacking
#reverseengineering #assembler #c #cyber #cybersecurity #hack #hacking
#reverseengineering Lesson 115: ARM-32 Project (Part 1 – Hacking Hello World) #assembler #c #cyber #cybersecurity #hack #hacking
#reverseengineering #assembler #c #cyber #cybersecurity #hack #hacking