#RaymondTallis - What is #Truth?
#Philosophy #Logic #PhilosophyOfLogic #Assertions #States #StatesOfAffairs #Belief #JTB #JustifiedTrueBelief #Pragmatism #Minimalism #Predicate #Predicates #Relativism #Noumenal #Ontological #Kant #Kantian #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #kantian #kant #ontological #noumenal #relativism #predicates #predicate #minimalism #pragmatism #justifiedtruebelief #jtb #belief #statesofaffairs #states #assertions #philosophyoflogic #logic #philosophy #truth #RaymondTallis
@jtrentadams @rigo HT to Lucy L. formerly of ISOC, who warned us before she retired that this whole #assertions -confusion thing would lead us straight to hell.
The mixed reviews of #Forspoken on the #PS5 are a good opportunity for me to highlight how confusion between #assessments and #assertions, and how #authority can cloud things further.
#forspoken #ps5 #assessments #assertions #authority
Damnation ! J'ai précisément cette erreur avec le type FileObject, à la base de tout commons-vfs. C'est *très* fâcheux. http://joel-costigliola.github.io/assertj/assertj-core.html#ambiguous-compilation-error #bug #java #assertions #test #type
#type #test #assertions #java #bug
If you're serious about #objectOriented programming, try to use #DesignByContract to the fullest extent your language supports it. Your future debugging self will thank you. At the very least, liberally use #assertions throughout your code to state what should be true at any given point in your code.
#softwareengineering #DBC #assertions #DesignByContract #objectoriented
Je n'avais jamais entendu parler de cette pratique, et je la trouve anti-productive : si les objets que vous manipulez sont un tant soi peu complexes, n'avoir qu'une seule assertion ne prendra pas en compte la complexité de vos objets. https://stackoverflow.blog/2022/11/03/multiple-assertions-per-test-are-fine/ #programming #artisanat #test #assertions #méthode
#méthode #assertions #test #artisanat #programming