
> "the wild inflation (…) never emerged"

Asset inflation is still . The in how it's measured (by removing ) are signs of a collapsing system vying to maintain ppl's confidence. Anyway inflation has emerged, and has signs of not going away anytime soon, in fact acceleration seems inevitable, but that is our opinion taking into account only want we (DSFGS) have learned.

@jollyrogue @feld @fuzzychef @sjvn @oneiros @ariadne

#inflation #hedonicAdjustments #assetinflation

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14677 posts · Server toot.cat

"Gotta engage in . Think of the premiums if a breakout started there!"

Seriously… f%cking ?!

Not a single person needs to worry about the health of firms.

They (et al) have a and they've been using it for almost two years to steal **** from us. Do we really think they are not those funds through first?

#medicalExperimentation #healthinsurance #premiums #moneyPump #tangibleAssets #moneylaundering #bigFinance #assetinflation #HowVeryKeynesian #bitcoinCoreFixesThis #australia

Last updated 3 years ago


Seriously though, the and are through the roof too, which both cannot be explained by .

Inflation is generally the in the money supply. They have been printing trillions and its actually insanity.

In a non- the cure for high prices is high prices, — not a bailout for the .

There will be a moment soon when most ppl see this, and they will know what to do about it.

#HyperInFediation #moneylaundering #assetinflation #supplychains #inflation #clownworld #wellConnected

Last updated 3 years ago

Thanks Paul.

Year of Fedi is a long year that spans more time than expected. Sort of like how the inflation is and should not last long.

Actually haha, that might be the new hashtag.

@PaulaToThePeople @humanetech

#transitory #theInflationOfFediverseIsTransitory #theInflationIsTransitory #assetinflation #HowVeryKeynesian

Last updated 3 years ago

Nice to see being a shill for the beneficiaries of the ponzi — a person who enjoys watching (his?) , no doubt.

Inflation is a stealthTax. The top 1% and those closest to the moneyPrinting are the benefactors when and its why we support a UBI that goes up slightly with age and Bitcoin (and Monero).

#corydoctorow #assetinflation #moneyPrinterGoDrr #HowVeryKeynesian #mmt

Last updated 3 years ago

The trillions are not just "found", they are printed, then handed to the plutocrats to buy up almost everything.

This produces even greater . Printing money for those closest to the , and the it ultimately produces is how we demoralise the nextGeneration or worse — produce .

We could however, adopt a that is designed for , and by extension .

Bitcoin is such a currency.

#inequality #bankingCartel #assetinflation #neofeudalism #currency #saving #saveOurEnvironment #restoreBalance

Last updated 3 years ago

Good to hear that is speaking up for . The people are generally are up there with the best.

Aussies are embarrassingly scared, today.

Our PM is Murdoch and USA-controlled – sadly. Can't tell if he's in the . We get a sense he means well but is complicit in some bad stuff, , etc. Seems to be a war on here, too.

Here's hoping puts money where his mouth was 18 months ago… and now.

#merkel #assange #german #insuranceFiles #assetinflation #foreignEntanglements #bitcoiners #BarnabyJoice

Last updated 3 years ago

Sadly, these terrible collapses like the are just a tip of the iceberg.

We wrote something recently on another device and will get it out in the days ahead.

In we've been struggling with our own and craze since , and yes, a lot of dodgy .

The and have been aggressively for as long as we can remember too.

#MiamiTower #australia #propertyDeveloper #privateequity #Sydney2000 #construction #realestate #PropertyCouncil #lobbying #selfRegulation #rentSeeking #cronyism #assetinflation

Last updated 3 years ago

The motives are more cynical than you'd think.

Look up the (that's their name, iwrc). They're an influential motely crew of that lobby for exploitative, unrealistic levels of levels to continue the of .

In we have similar . They're the worst kind and celebrate the associated , too.

#BusinessRoundtable #corporatists #immigration #exploitation #workers #australia #lobbyGroups #assetinflation

Last updated 4 years ago

A UBI proportional to national income will be truely transformative. The reason we think it needs to be tied to is to avoid all the ills that go along with out of nothing. Such as , , etc.

We say it should go up slightly with age, to balance out various other forces.

#nationalIncome #printingmoney #speculation #assetinflation

Last updated 4 years ago

This documentary film!!1

Might be worth airing in your local group. Communities need to know how is so toxic.

Knowledge is power.

#community #InvestorDrivenHousing #gentrification #supernormalProfits #assetinflation #moneylaundering #poverty #eviction #bigProerty

Last updated 4 years ago

Unfettered for the winners and and protections when the , overlords of the fail.

We like to think that we are slowly turning the ship around but when we look around people are still terrified of where and govt are going.

Most seem to grasp for any (read: trinkets) thrown at them.

Meanwhile the are having a veritable shoppingSpree.

#capitalism #bailouts #wellConnected #corporateState #bigtech #brioche #onePercent #socialismfortherich #freeMoney #cantilloneffect #assetinflation

Last updated 4 years ago

TODD: Hi I'm my name's Todd, and I'm a .


TODD: I first started saving when I was in school. Yeah, those little bank books. I hoped one day I could save enough *sob* to buy a house. I COULDN'T *sob*


#saver #saverTherapy #saversAnonymous #criminalSyndicate #underground #warOnSavers #banks #assetinflation #whyBitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

Even people in the USA experience the effects of overpopulation including, overdevelopment, , (yes, children that grow up in an are more likely to develop them), over resources, (ie. higher ), suppressed , greater need for (see ), (highrise living does catch up with people) etc.

#pollution #mentalillness #apartments #conflicts #assetinflation #houseprices #wages #socialcontrol #theMedia #shorterLifespan

Last updated 4 years ago


Some can't cash out even if they wanted to.

Others have been demonised and rejected by an ignorant few for advocating an end to extreme .

So we say not only are the gains in bitcoin's value justified, well-earned and well-deserved…

Expect more as .

#assetinflation #moneyPrinterGoBrr #rightsideofhistory #inflation #hyperInflation #houseprices #stopRobbingYourChildren #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins

Last updated 4 years ago

That's a limited view of savings. take many forms.

Monetary savings are just a highly "liquid" (ie. easy-to-trade, frictionless) from of savings compared to others.

The more a currency is debased by money printing, the more other things that are not money, take on value also.

That's why we warned that attacking savings, would increase consumerism and ().

Attacking savings = increased consumerism.

#savings #assetinflation #houseprices

Last updated 4 years ago