Ihr könnt nicht erahnen, wie sehr ich bedaure, dass #AssignmentEarth nie zustande kam. Und nun wisst ihr, warum es möglich ist, das ich die Frage nach meiner Lieblings-TV-Serie mit einer nicht existierenden Show beantworte.
Teri Garr arrives to add humorous humanity to the episode! And bright colors.
Bright, bright colors.
#assignmentearth #allstartrek #startrek #StarTrekTOS
This Seven guy in the suit is not a very good visitor on the Enterprise. He is not a good guest at all.
#assignmentearth #allstartrek #startrek #StarTrekTOS
#AllStarTrek ...and yet, this show makes more sense than tonight's #StarTrekTOS #AssignmentEarth.🤦♂️
#StarTrek #StarTrekVoyager #FalseProfits
#falseprofits #startrekvoyager #startrek #assignmentearth #startrektos #AllStarTrek
#AllStarTrek What kinda hippie silliness was that?😆🤣
#StarTrekTOS #AssignmentEarth
#assignmentearth #startrektos #AllStarTrek
( Watching #AssignmentEarth
Not commonly known: Scottie was a specialist on the bleeper.
#allstartrek #assignmentearth #startrek #StarTrekTOS #tos
#AllStarTrek Wasn't this an attempt at a pilot episode for another spinoff show?
#StarTrekTOS #AssignmentEarth
#assignmentearth #startrektos #AllStarTrek
@theAeon I remember that now. It might have been a plotline in #JamesBlish ’s #SpockMustDie novel, too? (read it 50ya, so it’s fuzzy)
We never did get an explanation of how the visually-distinct #Supervisor ‘s transporter, from #AssignmentEarth, worked
Yet, the existing tech, as described, led to some interesting plot lines, though. Including #ThomasRiker, a variation on Blish’s novel.
#JamesBlish #spockmustdie #supervisor #assignmentearth #thomasriker
Now the failed pilot #AssignmentEarth is on #PlutoTV's #StarTrek #TOS channel.
It is a missed opportunity that there was never a series in the franchise with #TeriGarr as a principal. I would have watched every episode. The least they could do to make up for it now is make her an admiral on #StrangeNewWorlds or #Discovery. Or bring her character back on #LowerDecks!
#assignmentearth #plutotv #startrek #tos #terigarr #strangenewworlds #discovery #lowerdecks
Teri Garr defeats Scotty at Transporter Shuffle.
#assignmentearth #startrektos #allstartrek
Having worked a few dozen Cape launches, I can tell you there was no food cart casually placed within view of the pad an hour before launch. The 60's space program was something else!
#assignmentearth #startrektos #allstartrek
Kirk showing his GPS navigation device to get down a hallway. That's Guidance Per Scotty.
#assignmentearth #startrektos #allstartrek
Happy to see that even Gary Seven has problems logging in to his computer in the morning.
#assignmentearth #startrektos #allstartrek
The one where a #redshirt gets taken out by a black cat within the first five minutes.
#assignmentearth #startrektos #allstartrek #redshirt
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