Test 3: uploading multiple pics (max 4 files, one at a time)
Movie stills from SHANE (1953), dir. George Stevens.
Classic Movies: https://assimerahollywood.wordpress.com/
#shane #alanladd #jeanarthur #vanheflin #assimerahollywood
Test 2: uploading video MP4 (File size 36mb)
JUDY GARLAND performing "Over the Rainbow" (Harold Arlen & Yip Harburg) in THE WIZARD OF OZ (1939), dir. Victor Fleming.
Classic Movies: https://assimerahollywood.wordpress.com/
#JudyGarland #TheWizardOfOz #OverTheRainbow #AssimEraHollywood
#judygarland #thewizardofoz #overtherainbow #assimerahollywood
* Test 1: uploading GIF (Mastodon max file size 10 mb against Twitter's 15 mb).
MARILYN MONROE with Tom Ewell in THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH (1955), dir. Billy Wilder.
Classic Movies: https://assimerahollywood.wordpress.com/
#marilynmonroe #thesevenyearitch #assimerahollywood