Я слово начал учить русский язык. я начал учить русский много лет назад. Но я не добился большого прогресса потому что это очень сложный язык. я самоучка и использую книги и приложения. я думаю что русский язык полезный потому что русский говорят во многих странах.
I started learning Russian again. I started learning Russian long ago but haven’t made a lot of meaningful progress. I think Russian is useful because it is spoken in many countries. #Russian #Languages #Assimil #polyglot #books
#russian #languages #assimil #polyglot #books
He trobat el llibre per aprendre Alemany de Assimil amb els audios, link aquí https://filehorst.de/downloadQueue.php?file=cacfyCvu&fhuid=pPaAaaorePgj41CaVZ6BNg2t4LvLpIXP
#assimil #alemany #aleman #idiomas #lenguas #aprenderalemán #aprendrealemany
#assimil #alemany #aleman #idiomas #lenguas #aprenderaleman #aprendrealemany
Sprachen lernen mit #Anki und #Assimil:
Heute mein Lebensmotto oder so ähnlich auf #Niederländisch / #Nederlands.
#anki #assimil #niederlandisch #nederlands
¿les gusta assimil ? #langtoot #assimil #languagelearning
#langtoot #assimil #languagelearning
How do you describe how your #name is #pronounced?
#Assimil in their language courses (that I consider excellent, EXCEPT for this one feature), write it in the source language, which you may or may not find helpful.
The #international #phonetic #alphabet #IPA is universal, but difficult to write. Maybe you can find your name on #wiktionary as individual words with #pronunciation.
Had fun playing with mine on http://ipa-reader.xyz/. Most languages (except for Japanese) sound right!
#langtoot #pronunciation #wiktionary #ipa #alphabet #phonetic #international #assimil #pronounced #name
This is what #Assimil #language #courses do when explaining the #pronunciation. Instead of using #IPA, they just injure the source language to write something that should sound similar: “bohnzhoor kohmœhn-talay voo”.
(see sample lessons at https://www.assimil.com/en/with-ease/1671-french-9782700571240.html)
Other than that, the method is great and I love using it even from different source languages, well, except for the pronunciation that is uninterpretable for a non-native speaker.
#langtoot #ipa #pronunciation #courses #language #assimil
#Assimil books are still so expensive and basically there are the same formats like in the past decade. Apparently, a lot of people don't like the current red layout. I also find that Assimil Italian (Italien) had a recent update back in 2021 and with the red layout
I don't understand the change. The use of red feels so...... much like some, but not all, of my primary school homework or exercise books. Red is usually unpopular in this sense because it is glaring. Similarly, we mostly don't use yellow as a main theme everywhere. But I digress.
I also think it may just make more sense today than before to just publish e-books as in pdfs of the original, not the same book put in some software.
Tons, thousands, of novels, non-fictions, python books, math books, you name them, are available in some pdf format. You can order some such. This publisher doesn't seem to sell ebooks per se.
Session de langue sur #assimil : check ✔️
J'ai fait 2 leçons, bien noté tout le vocabulaire en lexiques et j'ai beaucoup parlé seule à mon écran d'ordi :')
Parution d’un cahier d ’exercices chez #Assimil pour les apprenants d’espéranto