Hackaday Prize 2023: Low Cost Braille Embosser From 3D Printer Parts - The limited availability of texts transcribed to Braille and the required embossin... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/31/hackaday-prize-2023-low-cost-braille-embosser-from-3d-printer-parts/ #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #assistivedevice #brailleprinter #techhacks #braille
#braille #techhacks #brailleprinter #assistivedevice #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize
2023 Hackaday Prize: The Assistive Tech Challenge Starts Now - We’d all love to change the world and make it a better place, but let’s be honest…... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/26/2023-hackaday-prize-the-assistive-tech-challenge-starts-now/ #assistivetechnology #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #assistivedevice #contests
#contests #assistivedevice #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize #assistivetechnology
2023 Hackaday Prize: The Assistive Tech Challenge Starts Now https://hackaday.com/2023/04/26/2023-hackaday-prize-the-assistive-tech-challenge-starts-now/ #assistivetechnology #2023HackadayPrize #TheHackadayPrize #assistivedevice #contests
#assistivetechnology #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #assistivedevice #contests
@dtauvdiodr do you use #ANC headphones? A good pair can make for an excellent #AssistiveDevice (AD). Plus, as an AD, they are protected by the #ADA (which refers to 28CFR § 36.303: Auxiliary Aids and Services - check the link), so you can feel safe knowing that you can use them wherever/whenever YOU feel like you need to.
Good luck 👍🏼
#AuxiliaryAidsAndServices #CivilRights #LivingWithDisabilities
#livingwithdisabilities #civilrights #auxiliaryaidsandservices #ada #assistivedevice #anc
what are some ways you use your #phone as an #assistivedevice ?
I'm asking because I am trying to organize my life a little better and having practical ways people use their technology to better their lives might give me ideas on how to optimize mine....
#assistivetechnology #android #ios #apple #pixel7 #calender #ideas #help
#phone #assistivedevice #assistivetechnology #android #ios #apple #pixel7 #calender #ideas #help
Just put a deposit down on a pair of #AI #MoonWalkers by #ShiftRobotics. I have limited mobility and endurance; these seem like they may be a helpful #AssistiveDevice.
Very expensive, but the deposit is refundable if I decide not to purchase them by the time they’re ready for shipment (sometime in 2023), and I’ll keep doing research on them until then.
#DisabilityHacks #Disabled #Disability #Walking #Mobility #MobilityAid #NEISVoid #Fatigue #Shoes
#ai #moonwalkers #shiftrobotics #assistivedevice #disabilityhacks #disabled #disability #walking #mobility #mobilityaid #neisvoid #fatigue #shoes