If you are lazy to write alt texts, please use some tools, there are plenty.
Here's some brilliant open source ones:
1) Let AI do the job based on a single URL: https://alt.fairdataihub.org/api/generate?imageUrl=https://dub.sh/confpic (source code: https://github.com/fairdataihub/alt-text-generator)
2) Generate from image file: https://alttext.in/ (source code: https://github.com/adityaoberai/Alt-Text-Generator)
3) Generate from textual image: Use Mastodon's built in feature or ImageToText https://sauravhathi.github.io/imageToText/ (source code: https://github.com/sauravhathi/imageToText)
#AltText #AI #DescriptiveText #AssistiveText #a11y #Accessibility #OpenSource
#alttext #ai #descriptivetext #assistivetext #a11y #accessibility #opensource