How much do you agree or disagree with the following narrative.
The "seeing is believing" effects of #ClimateChange will cause more relatively rich people to critically evaluate their own lifestyle *choices?
*For example, recreational meat eating, driving private vehicles, flying on Jets. (activities that are related to causing relatively high amount of greenhouse gases)
In general (majority)
#climatechange #psychology #behaviourism #associatedlearning
Say or write the words #evolution & #god - people will heuristically associate that information within their personal experience.
#AssociatedLearning is psychologically real (beyond a reasonable doubt)
On hearing speech or reading words people will associate the words with the information they have access to.
Thoughts & emotions are the same physiological (negative & positive feedback loop) system. #NervousSystem
Who is right & who is wrong?
The ethical person is right
#Evolution #god #associatedlearning #nervousSystem #ethics #sincerity
Say or write the words #evolution & #god - people will heuristically associate that information within their personal experience.
#AssociatedLearning is psychologically real (beyond a reasonable doubt)
On hearing speech or reading words people will associate the words with the information they have access to.
Thoughts & emotions are the same physiological (negative & positive feedback loop) system. #NervousSystem
Who is right & who is wrong?
The ethical person!
#Evolution #god #associatedlearning #nervousSystem #sincerity #humility