Minor Key . net · @richard
111 followers · 27 posts · Server minorkey.social

to 's edition of 's sonatas and partitas for solo violin, which is beautifully recorded and a fine edition of the always released sonatas and partitas. For some reason my reads this () album as "unknown." The has trouble with metadata as it is, so I don't know if that is the issue or if did a shabby job on the metadata for this album. Or both. Or the download. Regardless, it still sounds so good, I can live with it.

#nowlistening #juliafischer #jsbach #astellandkern #hires #kannalpha #pentatone

Last updated 2 years ago

MinorKey.Net · @minorkey
85 followers · 130 posts · Server musician.social

I fell asleep listening to the 1/23/23 minorkey.net/minor-key-playlis when I woke up it was STILL playing, it is so long. My Astell&Kern KANN ALPHA was at 1% 😯 🥴 😬 I never let it get below 70% before plugging it into the charger. Normally it is plugged into the charger at all times unless I'm mobile around the house. This is suppose to have a 12 hour battery life, but that is completely NOT true. It's buggy besides that, but the sound quality is so great, it's all forgivable.

#playlist #astellandkern

Last updated 2 years ago

MinorKey.Net · @minorkey
85 followers · 130 posts · Server musician.social

Recently sold most of my . Had conversation about / . : HiRes (FLAC) always sound better than CDs. You'll need 3rd party app to play FLAC. No reason to buy HiRes unless you have a HiRes music player (, ). You will need high-end WIRED (*no such thing as wireless HiFi) cans: open back , *some ; Or IEMs: FiiO (some more $ than others). Worth it if you listen to or everyday. @jazz @classicalmusic

#headphones #hires #hifi #recommendations #astellandkern #fiio #grado #focal #sennheiser #jazz #classicalmusic

Last updated 2 years ago