We explore the British classic comedy Withnail & I for our deep dive this week.
In the main reviews Andy took time to watch #FastX, #AsterixAndObelix: The Middle Kingdom, and #BeauIsAfraid - all in one day (that was a very strange day!). Find out how he felt about the trio.
We also have a good chat around the news, neat things, and various other geek things as usual.
#FastX #asterixandobelix #beauisafraid #film #films #movies #cinema #podcast #filmgeek
Looking down on the Rhine, which is not actually visible.
Anyway, this side of the river was Rome, the hills (Taunus Mountains) on the other side was "Barbarian Country," populated by various Celtic/Germanic tribes.
Also the backdrop for #AsterixAndObelix.
The Franks did not exist yet. They became a thing in the 500s-700s, culminating in the Holy Roman Empire/Charlemagne in the 800s.
That's where Ingelheim enters the picture, as one of several Imperial Palaces for Charlemagne.
Celebrating #saturnalia !!
Switch food homemade and playing #Boardgames #caesarEmpire
Io Saturnalia!!!
#saturnalia #boardgames #caesarempire #asterix #obelix #asterixandobelix #caesar #rome #spqr
Asterix & Obelix: Public Services spoof (Obtaining Permit) π
I guess people outside of Europe don't know this movie. But it's fun!