#7FilmsToKnowMe ... actually #14FilmsToKnowMe
#AsterixtheGaul #AstérixleGaulois 1967
#OddsandEvens #Pariedispari #Ésmegintdühbejövünk 1978
#VforVendetta 2005
#MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail 1975
#BicentennialMan 1999
#TreasurePlanet 2002
#TheAddamsFamily 1991 1993
#TheMatrix 1999
#MeninBlack 1997
#BacktotheFuture 1985 1989 1990
#AIArtificialIntelligence 2001
#CatCity #Macskafogó 1986
#AceVentura 1995
#LiloandStitch 2002
100+ destilled faw, 50+ must have. And 14? 7!? in here? this is nonsense ...
#7filmstoknowme #14filmstoknowme #asterixthegaul #asterixlegaulois #oddsandevens #pariedispari #esmegintduhbejovunk #vforvendetta #montypythonandtheholygrail #bicentennialman #treasureplanet #theaddamsfamily #thematrix #meninblack #backtothefuture #aiartificialintelligence #catcity #macskafogo #aceventura #liloandstitch
""Anthea Bell, the translator who brought classics from Asterix to WG Sebald to an English readership, has died at the age of 82.
She first began translating Asterix in 1969, coming up with some of its best jokes and puns. ... The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation describes her work on Asterix as ingenious and superbly recreated, displaying “the art of the translator at its best”.
#literature #asterixthegaul #kafka
#literature #asterixthegaul #kafka