After defeating all the liches last night, we concluded our #AstonishingSwordsmenSorcerersOfHyperborea 4 yr campaign.
Wonderfully, the GM told us he had the next #TTRPG game ready to go...we'll be playing Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus and session 0 is already scheduled.
Fuck if I know what my next character is going to be. The running joke is that I always play martial characters and my back story always includes, "I've seen a lot of war". I love me some tropes
#astonishingswordsmensorcerersofhyperborea #ttrpg #assh #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e
@kjdavies Killing the last lich made the volcano explode. End of campaign. The GM told us we've been playing for 4 years.
Lazlo was an amazing fighter and I'll miss playing them.
#astonishingswordsmensorcerersofhyperborea #ttrpg #assh
We've dispatched the balrogs and now just the lich is left.
#astonishingswordsmensorcerersofhyperborea #ttrpg #assh
We have found the last lich and 2 balrogs.
#astonishingswordsmensorcerersofhyperborea #ttrpg #assh
Phew we defeated that fucking lvl 17th lich. 1 more to go.
#astonishingswordsmensorcerersofhyperborea #ttrpg #assh
We are at the double doors & have 2 lich to kill. We are about to enter the room w/one of them. We are actively buffing up before we roll in.
I'm not gonna lie...we are scared.
#astonishingswordsmensorcerersofhyperborea #ttrpg #assh
I've not had a decent #TTRPG hit in a few weeks. Scheduling has been a bitch. Monday's virtual game got cancelled minutes before it was supposed to start.
Here's hoping tonight's #ASSH game still happens. Lazlo needs to finish up this volcano dungeon.
#ttrpg #assh #astonishingswordsmensorcerersofhyperborea