#astonishment : the condition of one who is stunned. hence: numbness
- French: étonnement
- German: das Erstaunen
- Italian: stupore
- Portuguese: estupefação
- Spanish: anonadacion
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But I don’t want to see what I’ve already seen, or write about what everyone already knows. I want to dazzle myself. I want to live in the knowledge (as Borges once said, citing Shakespeare) that “there are more things.”
-Benjamín Labatut
#writing #astonishment #Shakespeare #Borges #Labatut #PayingAttention
#writing #astonishment #shakespeare #Borges #labatut #payingattention
Season 2 Episode 12 "Reunion"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch #Reunion #ParadiseCove #Beach #Bluff
#astonishment #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #baywatch #reunion #ParadiseCove #beach #bluff
#astonishment : the condition of one who is stunned. hence: numbness
- French: étonnement
- German: das Erstaunen
- Italian: stupore
- Portuguese: estupefação
- Spanish: anonadacion
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!