#arsenal #dreams #astral #lucid I dreamt that we played Nottingham Forest, away, only this time the hosts went to 5-0 solely thanks to Ramsdale either being way off his line or his rubbish pass to a defender being intercepted inside the 6 years box. Raya did not come on at any point. This was so believable that I thought I had cracked astral projection.
#arsenal #dreams #astral #lucid
⚠️ La barca a vela #Astral di @openarms_found ha ottenuto, dopo un lungo braccio di ferro, l'assegnazione di #PortoEmpedocle per le 59 persone soccorse a bordo. Le Autorità italiane avevano provato a obbligare Astral a sbarcare in #Tunisia.La Tunisia non è un #portosicuro.Open Arms ENG: 🔴 #ALERTAfter carrying out the medical evacuation of an unconscious pregnant woman, in coordination with the Maltese Coast Guard, the Italian authorities have once again asked us to request a POS from Tunisia.We reiterate that Tunisia cannot be considered a safe port, that…
#astral #PortoEmpedocle #tunisia #portosicuro #ALERTAfter
Re 🔵 Barca a vela #Astral @openarms_found ha individuato 4 imbarcazioni in ferro estremamente sovraffollate.Con il coordinamento della #GuardiaCostiera, l’equipaggio ha soccorso 60 persone, tra cui 20 donne (di cui 1 incinta) e 5 bambinə che necessitano assistenza medica. 4/5Open Arms ENG: 🔴 #BREAKINGNEWSVery tough night for the #Astral crew.After hours of searching, we located 4 heavily overloaded iron boats in terrible condition, with a high risk of shipwreck. On board, pregnant women and babies with symptoms of hypothermia.Coordinated by the Italian GC, we…
#astral #guardiacostiera #BREAKINGNEWSVery
This constellation is generally paired with nearby Kabong, the constellation depicting a carnival strength game.
When #astral events occur in this constellation, #astrology texts usually predict widespread hubris, embarrassment, or total and unexpected success. This sign is also associated with small reward for great effort.
La case du jour !
5 Août,
Legion of X n°1 (2022),
De Simon Spurrier, Jan Bazaldua, Federico Blee et Clayton Cowles.
Les retrouvailles de Legion (David Haller) et Blindfold (Ruth Aldine), qui vit dans sa forme purement astrale depuis un bout.
#Comics #xmen #legion #blindfold #astral #astralspace #astralplane #bandedessinee
#Comics #xmen #legion #blindfold #astral #astralspace #astralplane #bandedessinee
#Astral localizó y dio asistencia esta noche a una patera a la deriva con 38 personas, menores entre ellas, poco después de zarpar #Lampedusa
Y otro naufragio con decenas de ahogados ayer cerca de #Libia
No es el mar, es el cementerio de los más vulnerables.
#cadavidacuenta #libia #lampedusa #astral
Re 🔵 nel pomeriggio la barca a vela #Astral @openarms_fund ha soccorso 47 persone tra cui una donna incinta da un'imbarcazione che stava affondando. Sono adesso in salvo diretti a #Lampedusa per sbarcare.https://twitter.com/openarms_fund/status/1650530729997074432?t=JIoZ4pNiFz3ePrEkJagg8A&s=19Open Arms: #ULTIMAHORA ¡Naufragio! Socorremos una barca a la deriva con 47 personas, una mujer embarazada grave y un bebé entre ellas. Hacinadas durante dos días en un cascarón metálico que se hundió ante nuestros ojos.Ya a salvo a bordo #Astral ponemos rumbo #Lampedusa
#astral #lampedusa #ultimahora
En México hay un grupo de barredoras del astral, caminamos en cuadrillas con escobas de poder, la barrendera más joven tiene 8 (empezó su trabajo energético a los 5 años) años, y la más anciana 69 años.
Barremos espacios de la ciudad y activamos el amor y el orden energético en las comunidades.
Actualmente somos más de 500 barrenderas.
#tlazolteotl #mexico #astral #bruja
Description and source there:
#cosmos #galaxy #stars #astral #sf #science #science-fiction #sf #illustration #symbol #symbolism #darkmatter #gears #digitalpainting #cg #computergraphic #space #drawing #dessin #thegimp #gimp #artwork #mastoart #cc-by-sa #creative-commons #art #freeart #artlibre #free #libre #culturelibre #utopia #space-time
#cosmos #galaxy #stars #astral #sf #science #illustration #symbol #symbolism #darkmatter #gears #digitalpainting #cg #computergraphic #space #drawing #dessin #thegimp #gimp #artwork #mastoart #cc #creative #art #freeart #artlibre #free #libre #culturelibre #utopia
This one was way too long to draw. I’m getting too ambitious when it comes to digital painting now … Made with TheGimp, obviously ;)
Please share if you like it !
#cosmos #sun #stars #astral #sf #science #science-fiction #sf #illustration #digitalpainting #cg #computergraphic #space #drawing #dessin #thegimp #gimp #artwork #mastoart #ccbysa #creativecommons #art #freeart #artlibre #free #libre #culturelibre #utopia #space-time
#cosmos #sun #stars #astral #sf #science #illustration #digitalpainting #cg #computergraphic #space #drawing #dessin #thegimp #gimp #artwork #mastoart #ccbysa #creativecommons #art #freeart #artlibre #free #libre #culturelibre #utopia
I know because I’ve been there , that tells me you have no #direction in your life ; you’re drifting . You think flying in the #astral will make you happy it’s not .
Everyone wants to get to the #astral , but the thing is you are already there . With all this #daydreaming and not being able to focus your mind and your brain being scattered all over the place … that’s you in the #dream state you just have no control over It yet .
Another daily “quick” digital painting inspired by Alcubierre drive. Hope you will like it anyway. :)
Please share !
Here is the source :
#whimsigothic #astral #sf #science #science-fiction #sf #warpdrive #alcubierredrive #alcubierre #horse #illustration #digitalpainting #cg #computergraphic #space #drawing #dessin #thegimp #gimp #artwork #diaspoart #cc-by-sa #creative-commons #art #freeart #artlibre #free #libre #culturelibre
#whimsigothic #astral #sf #science #warpdrive #AlcubierreDrive #alcubierre #horse #illustration #digitalpainting #cg #computergraphic #space #drawing #dessin #thegimp #gimp #artwork #diaspoart #cc #creative #art #freeart #artlibre #free #libre #culturelibre
The Great Nebula in Orion - M42
#star #cloud #astronomy #cosmos #galaxy #nebula #universe #astrophotography #telescope #space #sky #constellation #cosmic #deep #exploration #infinity #outer #science #cluster #abstract #dark #background #nasa #spiral #starry #nebulae #night #nature #orion #alien #astral #astronaut #blur #colour #m42 #nebulosity
#nebulosity #m42 #colour #blur #astronaut #astral #alien #orion #nature #night #nebulae #starry #spiral #nasa #background #dark #abstract #cluster #science #outer #infinity #exploration #deep #cosmic #constellation #sky #space #telescope #astrophotography #universe #nebula #galaxy #cosmos #astronomy #cloud #star
She was pulled from astral planes
down to earth.
No more gods and goddesses.
No more spiritual guides or saints.
No more fairies or demons.
No sins.
No mistakes.
But, no more magic either.
At least, not the kind where
there’s someone watching out for her,
guiding her way.
#poetry #faith #pagan #magick #magic #astral
Oscar Camps (@campsoscar): "Durante 12 horas #Astral buscó, localizó, protegió y acompañó a un viejo pesquero sobrecargado con 160 personas mientras esperábamos la intervención de las autoridades, y después de enviar varios correos electrónicos sin respuesta llegó la Guardia Costera Italiana 📸@QuintinaV" | La Contre-Voie - nitter – https://nitter.lacontrevoie.fr/campsoscar/status/1604794153719799809#m
Re Un altro caso di omissione da parte di #Malta, per 160 persone in pericolo a bordo di un peschereccio, assistite e accompagnate da #Astral @openarms_fund fino alle acque di #Lampedusa, dove è poi intervenuta la Guardia Costiera italiana. 4/5Open Arms: #Astral #Misión97 #CadaVidaCuenta👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 https://twitter.com/campsoscar/status/1604794153719799809
#cadavidacuenta #Misión97 #lampedusa #astral #malta
RT @alarm_phone@twitter.com
@openarms_fund@twitter.com The vessel #Astral of @openarms_fund@twitter.com accompanied the boat with ~160 people in distress until close to #Lampedusa where the Italian coastguard took over. Though the boat was found in #Malta SAR, there was no response from @Armed_Forces_MT@twitter.com. #CivilFleet
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alarm_phone/status/1604801630590869504
#astral #lampedusa #malta #civilfleet