Guess it's time to unsubscribe from the #Sangoma "open solutions" newsletter.
The only mention of open source was to link to Alan Quayle's survey.
You figure this was a great opportunity to mention that #Asterisk had been moved to GitHub, or mention the new release(s).
It's incredibly sad to see how Sangoma handles Asterisk and I again am left to believe that they just don't have any care of an open source community.
See also my thoughts post #astricon :
I cannot possibly thank @vinzens enough for recording my #Kamailio presentation at #Astricon this year.
I am still not over Sangoma not recording presentations this year (again, despite promises to do so)... but that's a story for another time.
Also, this video is a good reminder to me that sometimes I need to concentrate on avoiding "um."
Back home from #Astricon. Very disappointed that the talks were not recorded as promised to me and @danjenkins during our conversation with Bill (see
Maybe @danjenkins would record me doing a redo on his new software :)
How soon after #astricon is it appropriate to delete the “Hide my email” alias I used for my registration. TMC clearly has already sold it based on inbox.
on my way to #Astricon. hope it will turn out for good as part of it- expo.