Just updated my site (https://zander.wtf) to @astro v3. There were quite a few things I had to change, but overall a fairly smooth upgrade path. Beyond the migration docs (https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/upgrade-to/v3/), the import aliases docs (https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/aliases/) were mostly what I needed to tweak. #astro #astrobuild
The commit for my changes is here: https://github.com/mrmartineau/zander.wtf/commit/04ede41c9b93216c332a788b7ae298de210d6367
I'm comparing my current dev environment ( #replit #astrobuild #appwrite #kaboomjs ) with an older world ( #visualstudio ) and it's like night and day. The first I can run anywhere via the browser. The other takes up 8GiB on my machine.
#replit #astrobuild #appwrite #kaboomjs #visualstudio
devs, we're thrilled to announce that CloudCannon's CMS support for Astro is out of beta!
#withastro support includes:
⚡ Astro specific docs
👌 Astro getting started guide
✨ New Astro theme
[Neocities site build liveblogging]
This is how my main page is looking at this point! The position for it is not final but I've had an absolute blast using this tutorial to create a little guestbook for my site (and using #AstroBuild made it insanely easy to implement as a component I can drop anywhere on the site): https://sadgrl.online/learn/articles/create-webform-discord
[Neocities site build liveblogging]
This is how my main page is looking at this point! The position for it is not final but I've had an absolute blast using this tutorial to create a little guestbook for my site and using #AstroBuild made it insanely easy to implement as a component I can drop anywhere on the site: https://sadgrl.online/learn/articles/create-webform-discord
New on Finley, I am: Front Matter CMS
#withastro #astrobuild #javascript #headless
#withastro #astrobuild #javascript #headless
#microFrontends: that's such a dumb idea! Who came up with it? I would eat deep fried ant eater haggis before I'd use that!
#islandArchitecture: wow that's so cool! A paradigm shift for frontend web architecture! I can't wait to try it!
Well played, #astroBuild team. Well played
[tips hat]
#MicroFrontends #islandarchitecture #astrobuild
Very pleased with how the recreation of my homepage in #AstroBuild is going. Retiring #gatsby looks very feasible now.
Rolled my own "middleware" for generating article preview images was easier than expected in/with @astro .
A rough version for the tutorial soon :D .
#tinkering #astrobuild #js #learning #fastify #tailwind
Make it easy on yourself by combining pieces from two great static site generators and use eleventy-fetch to cache your @astro API requests.
#ssg #staticsite #astrobuild #11ty
Does Astro.build render the `npm built` output on server or does it build the src on server with SSR configured...
>> Would I require to build and deploy on every new .md(x) addition or just upload thje .md(x) files and it works out of the box. #withastro #astrobuild #astro #javascript @astro
#withastro #astrobuild #astro #javascript
The latest and greatest tool I've been using is Astro. As a user of sveltekit, nuxt and next and a huge proponent of JAMstack, Astro has lit my world up.
Not only does it do static site generation (SSG) quickly, but it can embed your favorite frontend framework within "islands" on the page. It's amazing. If you're building anything short of a web app, give it a look.
#javascript #astro #astrobuild #css #webdev #creative #ui #ux
Go play: https://astro.build/
#javascript #astro #astrobuild #css #webdev #creative #ui #ux
I've just deployed my #jamstack website built using #astrobuild that includes a #webfinger file.
For an explanation of what this means, head over to https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/webfinger/ where all is explained
#jamstack #astrobuild #webfinger
I got 73 views on my post on Sunday just explaining the basics of Astro #astrobuild #astro in Japanese on Qiita:
Been meaning to create my own blog site and finally did!
As you can probably tell from looking at the site and the way I dress myself, I am not a professional designer.
I have started to aggregate some of the content I generated over the last few years and drop it on an easily findable site. I still need to find my pre-Goog content and some odds and ends here and there... I will also try to add GitHub to my post feed, but we will see if I get around to it. #astrobuild