There's a branch of Astrology called Astrocartography where horoscope is laid OVER a map of the world so that the various planetary paths are shown WHERE they cross on the map. Long story short >> I did mine and it showed the location of where I live is the perfect one for me.
In fact it also showed that Nauru for me would be a place of activism and social justice will pervade. That my journey through the Middle East would be peaceful and enlightening. Interesting stuff.
Astrocartography was seen as a possibility centuries ago but it's only since the advent of the personal computer & its calculation power that it has become a reality. A guy called Jim Lewis gave its manifestation latter part of 20th Century. Fascinating stuff!
Here is my Astrocartography chart. I haven't given my birth data & doubt anyone would be able to work it out from this chart. Anyway, this is what one looks like. The lines are the planet paths traced on Earth.
#manticarts #astrology #astrocartography