JeanEvergreen · @JeanEvergreen
82 followers · 882 posts · Server

It's literally been years since I've looked at an forecast for my sign (Libra), so today I glanced at Rob Breszny's forecast. Sigh. . . "...imagine I’m that bartender standing near you. I’m telling you," 'Hurry up, please – it’s time,' [meaning] you have a sacred duty to resolve, as best you can, every lingering confusion and mystery."


Last updated 1 year ago

Jennifer Jorgenson · @JenniferJorgenson
441 followers · 530 posts · Server

🔊 on 's

🎵 Symbiosis

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#nowplaying #bbc6music #FocusBeats #astrological

Last updated 1 year ago

Antinous the Gay God · @antinousgaygod
103 followers · 546 posts · Server
Starry Time Podcast · @starrytimepod
268 followers · 543 posts · Server

Snapshot of some of the of the we've covered to-date in Season 1 for :
♑ : Sad seagoat dad, who can talk & read, but whose kids don't like him
♒ : Zeus kidnaps handsome boy
♉ : Zeus becomes a bull to seduce woman (who not his wife)
♓ : Aphrodite & Eros become fish/are saved by fish -- all fear Typhon!
♊ : Twin bros, who can't live w/o each other (but in a nice way)
♋ : Hera throws crab at Heracles. Crab dies quickly.
♌ : Lion who kidnaps... women? Killed by Heracles.
♈ : Golden ram saves a kid, who then kills him
♍ : young woman... does... something? (stories vary)
♎ : Astraea abandons humanity during the Iron Age
♏ : Orion is punished for being a jerk
♐ : Satyr who rides horses is beloved by the muses

Coming soon: ⛎ !

You can learn more about the & of your /#Zodiac sign by checkin' out the pod!

#greekmyths #constellations #astronomy #mythmonday #myths #astrological

Last updated 1 year ago

Morgan · @Awakenpotential
327 followers · 286 posts · Server

My is the World from the Guardian . I’ve been working with this deck all morning. It has such a soft Piscean feel to it. Today is the . It marks the beginning of the end of the year. The next month, before the New Moon in , is a time to release, to let go. Throw things away, physically, emotionally, psychologically…..

And so what a perfect card to draw today. It speaks to the liminality of where we stand right now, at the end and the beginning. We’re neither here nor there, but then the World always reminds us of that. We never really are. Or maybe we’re in both places at once. We humans have a hard time with the nebulous nature of the Universe, so we create boundaries, in time, on land, in personality, relationship, gender, lifestyle……

Today I’m asked to sit in that liminal space (not hard for a Pisces sun), to recognize what came before, to prepare for what’s to come. To give thanks, to forgive, to release. Can’t bring all that nonsense into whatever lies ahead.

#tarotcardoftheday #Tarot #pisces #newmoon #astrological #aries

Last updated 1 year ago

Ryan · @codeddragon2023
35 followers · 644 posts · Server

@hexylena A fun game I like to play with this effect is give people a random attribution or , tell them it's for their sign when it's not, and see it in action.

#Astrology #horoscope #astrological

Last updated 1 year ago

Crazypedia :baph: :orion: · @Crazypedia
836 followers · 9759 posts · Server
Crazypedia :baph: :orion: · @Crazypedia
836 followers · 9759 posts · Server
Crazypedia :baph: :orion: · @Crazypedia
836 followers · 9759 posts · Server
Crazypedia :baph: :orion: · @Crazypedia
836 followers · 9759 posts · Server
Aevisia · @Aevisia
12 followers · 48 posts · Server

9. by Lunaea Weatherstone and Meraylah Allwood (Purchased on Amazon).
This deck is one I had my eye on for awhile before purchasing. I fell in love with the because it reminded me so much of the I used to read as a child. So much love and creativity went into this deck. The suits have a different name than traditional , and the artwork is so detailed and has so much . You really gotta study the images in this deck as there are so many hidden details and within the artwork. There are two decks in my collection that really speak to me and seem as though they really come to life, and it is this one and the Isis Oracle previously mentioned. These two decks are my main go-to decks, because they feel so to me. Highly recommend the Forest of Enchantment Tarot!

10. by Britta/St.Soleil (Purchased on Etsy, though, their Etsy shop was shut down. This deck can still be purchased from their website)
In my opinion, this is the best tarot deck for beginners out there! It has the upright and reversal meanings right on the cards, as well as the symbols, and keys. The guidebook is incredibly thorough as well and includes the meanings to everything on the cards, including a guide to in the ! The artwork in this deck is heavily based on the tarot, though, in my opinion the artwork in this deck is so much more appealing and just looks so elegant! I highly recommend this deck to any beginner.
As for their Etsy shop being shut down, this was due to them being overwhelmed with orders a couple years ago during the holiday season. The decks were a few weeks delayed in being shipped out, which resulted in a whole bunch of people leaving negative reviews and requesting refunds in fear they wouldn't arrive in time for Christmas. People still got their decks but all the refund requests and negative reviews due to delays I think got them shut down. I still recommend purchasing from them because they are honest, they just got overwhelmed with more orders than they could handle I think for the season. The deck can be purchased from their website. ☺️

11. by (Purchased at a thrift store). Under other circumstances I probably wouldn't have purchased this deck, but I found the box set for this deck that still had the DVD for it inside, and it was such a cheap price I couldn't pass it up! Though it's not my particular taste, the artwork is pretty and I have had some really amazing experiences with it. In 2020 I made a and drew a card from this deck for the year, and the card I drew was the Writing card with Gabriel. This felt like such a divine message for me as I did go on to do a lot of meaningful writing that year and helped a lot of people through it. Ever since it has been my go-to deck for messages and guidance and will remain a permanent part of my collection.
There is a bit of with Doreen Virtue. A few years ago she switched he path to and discouraged the use of . A lot of people betrayed by her for this and got rid of decks they owned by her. Personally, her change in spirituality doesn't bother me. I understand why people feel this way about her work now, but the way I see it, everyone is on their own journey and as we grow on our path, we change. 🤷‍♀️ Just because she switched paths and no longer supports divination and her old work doesn't mean that what she made in the past no longer has value. I've come to love this deck, and her lifestyle change has nothing to do with me or the value this deck has brought to me on my journey. To each their own!

Thank you so much everyone for reading and I hope you guys have maybe discovered some new decks here that you've never seen before! If you have any questions or need a direct link to where I've purchased some of them, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer! 🌻

#forestofenchantmenttarot #artwork #fairytale #storybooks #tarotdecks #symbolism #symbols #kindred #luciddreamstarot #astrological #zodiac #elemental #numerology #Tarot #riderwaite #archangeloraclecards #doreenvirtue #Visionboard #archangel #angelic #controversy #christianity #Divination

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
12 followers · 46 posts · Server

09. by Lunaea Weatherstone (purchased from Amazon). This was a deck I had my eye on for quite a long time and finally got it last year. 🥰 I fell in love with the of the cards because it reminded me of the I used to read as a child. This is such an deck and has so much delivered in a really delightful way. A lot of symbolism in this deck is hidden within the pictures as well, and the more you study the images in this deck, the more you see. There are two decks in my collection that have really come to life and connected with me in my journey, and it is this deck and the Isis Oracle previously mentioned. These two decks are my go-to decks most of the time for guidance, though, I do give all my decks love. 🥰

10. by Britta/St.Soleil (Purchased from Etsy but their shop got shut down, can still be purchased from their website).
This deck in my opinion is the best beginners tarot deck out there. It has keywords on the cards for both upright and reversal meanings. The artwork is heavily based on the , but I think this deck just looks so much more appealing (never been a fan of the original Rider-Waite art style, though, I understand why people like it). It also has the symbol, , keys on each of the cards and the guidebook goes into detail on all of this and what it all means. I highly recommend this deck for anyone new to tarot who really want to learn the ins and outs of it. The deck and guidebook are both amazing. 🥰 Also, the reason their Etsy shop was shut down was due to the amount of orders they received during the holiday season a couple years ago. Decks were delayed being shipped out for a few weeks which resulted in a lot of people requesting refunds and leaving poor reviews because of the delays and I think this resulted in their shop being shut down by Etsy. Under normal circumstances I don't think these delays would have happened, and delays wouldn't personally deter me from purchasing from them in the future. This deck can still be purchased via their website.

11. by (purchased at a thrift store). This is not a deck I would have purchased for myself under other circumstances, but I found the box set for it at a local thrift shop for a deal I couldn't pass up, and I have no regrets! This isn't a deck I use too often, but it has really spoken to me a few times and actually helped me to find my voice in writing. In 2020 I made a and drew a card from that deck for the year, and received the Writing Card from Gabriel. That year I actually ended up doing a lot of meaningful things in terms of writing and it really felt like a message. This deck will always be my go-to for angelic guidance now.
Doreen Virtue has changed life paths over the years and fell into . She doesn't support or anything of the likes anymore from what I have heard. Many people felt betrayed by her for that and won't support her work anymore. But for me this does not deter me from still using her creations. I think we are all on our own journey and grow and evolve in different directions. Her work was from a time in her life that those practices were in alignment with her, and just because they aren't anymore has no impact on my life and what I choose to practice. To each their own! No matter, it is still a really loving deck with really encouraging messages and guidance.

That concludes my review as of 2023! One day when we have a house of our own I would like to have a designated space for them beside my (which, presently, is non-existent because our living space is too small). One day though!

I hope you guys enjoyed this thread and maybe discovered some new decks in here to add to your own practice one day!🌻 If you have any questions about any of these decks, drop them in the comments and I'll answer the best I can. ☺️

#forestofenchantmenttarot #artwork #storybooks #artistic #symbolism #luciddreamstarot #riderwaite #Tarot #astrological #zodiac #elemental #archangeloracle #doreenvirtue #Visionboard #archangel #divine #christianity #tarotreading #TarotCollection #altar

Last updated 2 years ago

Ladybug Tarot · @ladybugtarot
7 followers · 6 posts · Server

Each week I release a Zodiac Week Ahead reading on my blog. I use cards to give a weekly overview for each of the 12 signs. Here is the first one of 2023. I invite you to read your sun, moon, and rising week ahead Tarotscopes.

#astrological #Tarot #TarotReading #zodiac #oraclecards

Last updated 2 years ago

Codafer · @codafer22
16 followers · 28 posts · Server
BethOwl · @BethOwl
70 followers · 38 posts · Server

My card of the week this week offers a blessing to your relationships of every kind — new, old, and yet to be — but especially 𝘯𝘦𝘸 partnerships of the heart. 💖⁣

And it offers a gentle, but firm way to navigate the choppy 𝗪𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 of this coming week (get it? A Neptune stationing-direct in Pisces joke). 😂⁣

Stop by and find out more:

#Tarot #astrological #astrology #tarotforeveryone

Last updated 2 years ago

birth horoscope of for 27 Nov 111 AD Claudiopolis Bithynia: "He will become the friend of a king ... favored for his great beauty." From 2nd Century text "Mathesis" by astrologer . Details:

#astrological #antinous #astrology #juliusfirmicusmaternus

Last updated 2 years ago

Mirroring Lives · @mirroringlives
2 followers · 22 posts · Server

From the preceding reading, it turns out that the recent Nov. 2022 visit to the Philippines is a double-edged card played by the on the .

Yes, there could be gains. But the plays for it according to its ways and end, not according to the . For all we know, might either be a pretentious or diversionary powder keg of power. Just an instrument, so to say, of something else.

#astrological #kamalaharris #usa #philippines #us

Last updated 2 years ago

💭So in light of my fuck up on my reading, we’re going to look at possible factors that may have contributed to that blunder. (Please remember my delineations are my own and you may not agree)

Moon square Mercury
Mars square Neptune

At the time of me doing that the moon is at 29° Leo cusping the 2/3H.
Mercury is at 29° Scorpio cusping the 5/6H.
Mars is 23° Gemini in the 12H.
Neptune is at 22° Pisces in the 9H.

I’m going to simplify a bit here—
Moon is our emotions and

#Tarot #astrological

Last updated 2 years ago