New art in honor of the Solar Return of my friend and Patreon patron Chef Tom, a talented chef and synthwave DJ in Rhode Island. I am really happy with how this one turned out! 🥰
The write-up on its meaning can be found in this public post on Patreon:
#Art #ArtMatters #AYearForArt #Astrology #AstrologyArt #Drawing
#art #artmatters #ayearforart #astrology #astrologyart #drawing
Happy Solar Return to my Patreon patron Mari Bingham! This is the art I created in her honor, with an analysis of the chart and symbolism in this public post on Patreon:
I hope you have had a lovely Birthday, Mari, and many blessings to you for the year ahead!
#Art #ArtMatters #Astrology #AstrologyArt #DivinatoryArt #Occult #OccultArt #Patreon #PatreonRewards
#art #artmatters #astrology #astrologyart #divinatoryart #occult #occultart #patreon #patreonrewards
Happy Solar Return to my Patreon patron Katherine Sochacka! This is the art I created in her honor, with an analysis of the chart and symbolism in a public post on Patreon, linked in the comments below. May you have a beautiful day, Kasia, and a blessed year to come!
#Art #ArtMatters #Astrology #AstrologyArt #DivinatoryArt #Occult #OccultArt #Patreon #PatreonRewards
#art #artmatters #astrology #astrologyart #divinatoryart #occult #occultart #patreon #patreonrewards
One of my many pieces of symbolist artwork representing astrological transits, this one from a few years back.
#Art #ArtMatters #Artist #ArtistsOnMastodon #Astrology #AstrologyArt #AstrologicalArt
#AYearForArt #MonochromeMonday
#art #artmatters #artist #artistsonmastodon #astrology #astrologyart #astrologicalart #ayearforart #monochromemonday
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 20
"Violet Retrograde" A bit of my astrological art on this Mars' Day (Tiw's Day).
Jupiter enters Mars-ruled Aries today, while Mars is still retrograde in Gemini. Fortune may favor the bold, but our boldness is still out gathering information...
#Art #ArtMatters #Artist #ArtistsOnMastodon #AstrologicalArt #Astrology #AstrologyArt #MixedMedia #SymbolistArt
#artadventcalendar #art #artmatters #artist #artistsonmastodon #astrologicalart #astrology #astrologyart #mixedmedia #symbolistart
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 18
A drawing in Micron pen of flying fish heading into the sunset. This is part of a series of drawings I did a few years back as symbolist interpretations of astrological transits.
Available in my Etsy shop:
#Art #ArtMatters #Artist #ArtistsOnMastodon #AstrologyArt #Drawing #MicronPen #FediGiftShop
#drawing #micronpen #artadventcalendar #art #artmatters #artist #artistsonmastodon #astrologyart #fedigiftshop
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 17
"Venus and Saturn" (named for the image's qualities corresponding to astrological traits of Venusian beauty and Saturnian severity)
This piece & others like it are available in my print-on-demand shops, in formats ranging from hangable to wearable:
#PhotoManipulation #Art #ArtMatters #Artist #ArtistsOnMastodon #AstrologyArt #FediGiftShop
#artadventcalendar #photomanipulation #art #artmatters #artist #artistsonmastodon #astrologyart #fedigiftshop
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 14
For Woden's Day (Wednesday), a drawing of the one-eyed wanderer himself, in Micron pen, done several years ago when I was making daily symbolist drawings based on astrological transits.
#Art #Artist #ArtistsOnMastodon #Astrology #AstrologyArt #AstrologersOnMastodon
#Heathen #Odin
#Pagan #Woden
#artadventcalendar #art #artist #artistsonmastodon #astrology #astrologyart #astrologersonmastodon #heathen #odin #pagan #woden
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 13
"Cyber Winter" #PhotoManipulation
This piece & others like it are available in my print-on-demand shops, in formats ranging from hangable to wearable:
#artadventcalendar #photomanipulation #art #artist #artistsonmastodon #astrologyart #fedigiftshop
#ArtAdventCalendar Day 12
A Moon ACEO (2.5" x 3.5") in Micron pen for the Moon's day.
#artadventcalendar #art #artist #artistsonmastodon #astrologyart #fedigiftshop
I also create ACEOs (Art Card Editions and Originals) - trading card sized cards (2.5" x 3.5") - to explore individual planetary placements or astrological transits for my clients and patrons. Here are some examples.
#Art #Artist #ArtistsOnMastodon #ACEO #Astrology #AstrologyArt #AstrologersOnMastodon
#art #artist #artistsonmastodon #aceo #astrology #astrologyart #astrologersonmastodon
One of the many things I do is write about astrology on Patreon, where I also create original art for my patrons based on their personal astrology.
These images are examples of the Solar Return cards that I create for patrons at the $5 per month tier, based on the astrological transits happening around their Birthdays.
#Patreon #PatreonArtist #PatreonCreator #Astrology #AstrologyArt #AstrologersOnMastodon
#patreon #patreonartist #patreoncreator #astrology #astrologyart #astrologersonmastodon