Using the data set that has been gleamed from the ESA's #gaiamission telescope will it be possible to trace back the path or the motions of the star in the history? So for example we know that Bernard Star is now. Using #gaiadata will it be possible for us to calculate where it was about 10,000 or 100,000 or even 1,000,000 years ago?
#space, #astronomy, #astronomygeeks, #stars, #starmotion, #archelogoyastronomy, #starspropermotion, #Astrodon, #astrodon, #MilkyWayGalaxy, #milkywaygalaxy, #gaia
#gaiamission #gaiadata #space #astronomy #astronomygeeks #stars #starmotion #archelogoyastronomy #starspropermotion #astrodon #milkywaygalaxy #gaia
Hahha - since this was boosted, that account now has 3.2K followers and not 300ish.
Well done, #AstronomyGeeks <3