What do you get when you squish 220 million Gaia stellar spectra through Bayesian inference!? Awesome galaxy wide stellar parameter and reddening estimates. They're just scratching the surface with this work.
Xiangyu Zhang, Gregory M. Green, Hans-Walter Rix
#astronomy #astronotable #gaia
Now that's what I call GRB prompt emission! TESS catching the complete optical time history of GRB 230307A https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.07319
Fausnaugh, Jayaraman, Vanderspek, Ricker, Burke, Colon, Fleming, Lewis, Mullally, Youngblood, Barclay, Burns, Latham, Seager, Winn, Jenkins
#astronomy #astronotable #tess #grb
Nice followup from the APOGEE-N spectra of Kepler KOI objects. They provide mass and radii for low mass stellar companions from radial velocity measurements. Maybe a bit concerning that 8 out of 28 in their stellar companions had been classified as planet candidates from statistical validation.
Caleb I. Cañas, Chad F. Bender, Suvrath Mahadevan, etal.
Trying to identify lines in M-dwarf spectra that are less sensitive to stellar activity is frustratingly difficult and there appears to be star-to-star variations in which lines are 'quiet'
M. Lafarga, I. Ribas, M. Zechmeister, etal.
If you're going to interpret photometric variability in Gaia photometry this paper is probably required reading. When Gaia revisits a target, the instrument is not at the same orientation. In other words, the camera has a variable roll angle relative to the sky. Resolving faint neighbors depends on the roll angle causing supurious periodicities in the resulting measurements
Holl, Fabricius, Portell, et al.
#astronomy #AstroNotable #AstroNotable_Star
#astronomy #astronotable #astronotable_star
The symphony of frequencies in some Pulsating Red Giant stars is a bit out of tune. Models with chemical discontinuities due to extra mixing between the convective core and stable radiative layer surrounding it tend to fit these out-of-tune Red Giants.
@MVrard@twitter.com , Cunha, Bossini, @EnricoCors@twitter.com , et al.
#astronomy #astronotable #astronotable_star
Pulsating Delta Scuti stars may have a thing or two to teach us about stellar opacity calculations. If one uses stellar models to match the pulsation frequencies of well studied Delta Scuti stars, then the stellar model predicted luminosity and Teff disagree with the measured values. Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz, Walczak, Pamyatnykh, et al.
#astronomy #astronotable #astronotable_star