@snonux I had v long vimscript config and then painfully went over to #astronvim but there were bits I couldn't easily control or remove, and the pace of change meant I often had a broken editor - so not productive for me.
I've since started from scratch using Lazy (the plugin manager, not distro), all lua, and things generally feel a lot tidier and in control. Been using it 6 months now.
I keep my .config/nvim as git repo and sync it across servers/laptops.
@artfulrobot was working on #neovim setup with #astronvim last night. it went pretty well i forgot sleep 😆 . next i just need to learn dap-ui for debugging
Feature Friday: A-Lamia in the #astronvim community has been putting AstroNvim's extensible astronvim.status API through it's paces to make some very cool custom Heirline tabbar and statusline! His custom color engine is able to support any colorscheme! 🤯
I have a couple dozen #vim text editor plugins. They are a bit much to remember and use them all effectively.
Recently with #neovim there are several pre-packaged configurations that bundle many plugins together and make sure they all play nice together. Today I saw #AstroNvim mentioned: https://github.com/AstroNvim/AstroNvim
It's tempting to set aside my accumulation of organic configuration aside and give one of these a try.
Chances are that I'll find something I like whether I adopt it or not.
@AlexVoss there is also stuff like #AstroNvim and #lunarvim, but I like to fiddle with it 😋
@latepaul which quick set did you try for #neovim? Recently, there are lots of nice quickstarters: #astronvim , #lunarvim , or the tjdevries kickstarter.
Personally, I used #tmux, but dropped it in favor of
- cmd + D in iterm for spli screens
- splitting buffers / windows with a mixture of basic keymaps, bufferline and telescope
I only use tmux when I want some process to keep running when I disconnect my ssh (eg for hypertuning)
#neovim #astronvim #lunarvim #tmux
I've used #neovim for a while now and #astronvim has been a great jumping off point for learning neovim's native Lua configuration. I still have a bit of legacy battle-tested vimscript for certain functionality, but overall, the out-of-the-box performance for installing LSP servers, custom colorschemes and plugins, and having working autocompletion is just great.
I'm giving #AstroNvim a try and like it so far. Kind of feels like a Doom Emacs spin of #Neovim. My only/biggest issue so far is that I can't get #swift lsp working well. #sourcekit-lsp isn't an option for :LspInstall and doesn't do much after I added it to my init.lua Any suggestions?
#astronvim #neovim #swift #sourcekit
@nebiros #LunarVim seems to have the more sane default key maps. But #AstroNvim 's configuration override scheme is easier to grasp for me. Not sure which to pick :D, need to experience a slow lunar yet
@shork although not considered an IDE, I use the #AstroNvim distribution of #NeoVim and VSCODE.
There are a lot of great plugins. #1 feature has to be the awesome work the rust-analyzer team are doing. (https://rust-analyzer.github.io/)
so turns out i did the whole setup for nvim way to complicated. I tried to do the setup from scratch despite me not knowing shit about lua or anything about vim. I now use Astro Nvim with rust-analyzer and i love it so much. Totally worth the struggle. What worked for me was to install nvim simply as an app image by moving the image to a folder in the PATH. After that i finally ended up with a version 0.8+ to be able to install the #AstroNvim config with most of the setup already done.