Folks in #Baltimore!
Join us for Astronomy on Tap on Wednesday, August 16 at Guilford Hall. Doors open at 7pm.
Come hear free, accessible, and fun talks from local astronomers about planets, black holes, and how stars form.
Plus, free swag and trivia!
Folks in the #Baltimore!
Join us for Astronomy on Tap on Tuesday, June 20 at Guilford Hall. Doors open at 7pm.
We have three talks from scientists from the upcoming Roman Space Telescope. Come see what you can do with a telescope that sees an area 100 times bigger than Hubble with the same image quality!
Plus, rather randomly, the promo team from Focus Features will give out free tickets and other merch for the new Wes Anderson film Asteroid City.
I'll be giving a talk tonight at Astronomy on Tap Albuquerque on #JWST's first look at the universe.
7pm at the Marble Brewery
If you are at #aas242 or are near Albuquerque, come grab a drink and hear about some of the epic science that the observatory has done in its first year.
#jwst #aas242 #astroontap #aot
Baltimore-area folks. Join us for Astronomy on Tap this Wednesday, March 29 at Guilford hall. Come hear free, accessible, and fun talks from local astronomers. Plus, Free NASA swag, trivia, and Astronomy on Tap Baltimore stickers and buttons!
Doors open at 7pm, be there early since the venue fills up quickly!
I saw some things tonight at #AstroOnTap. Fascinating that our current times have us willing to bundle up and sit outside in the middle of winter, under a canopy to listen to excellent astronomy lectures. #astronomyontap Great to have the American Astronomical Society in Seattle for their 241st meeting this week.