Dear all,
I would like to advertise the publication in the Journal of Physics of the 2023 Astrophotonics Roadmap led by New Jovanovic and Pradip Gatkine with ~ 80 co-authors’ contribution.
A nice snapshot and showcase of the intense activity in this field.
And it's freely accessible, under a creative commons license.
proud to have been part of it!
#science #publication #astrophotonics #photonics #astronomy
Dear all,
I would like to advertise the publication in the Journal of Physics of the 2023 Astrophotonics Roadmap led by New Jovanovic and Pradip Gatkine with ~ 80 co-authors’ contribution.
A nice snapshot and showcase of the intense activity in this field.
And it's freely accessible, under a creative commons license.
proud to have been part of it!
#astronomy #photonics #astrophotonics #publication #Science