If you likes the Sun, don't miss this beautiful resource of images and movies about the closest star to the Earth planet!

There are many incredible phenomena on the Sun, not all of them are visible in the optical band: most of them are accessible in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.



Last updated 2 years ago

At the first step in the amateur astronomy you can't miss the knowledge of the sky and its constellations.

So, a beautiful starting point is Stellarium Web Star Map.

With this service you can see in your browser the nightsky at your location, artificial satellites, planets, the Moon and all the principal periodical comets transiting in this season.



Last updated 2 years ago

The Virtual Observatory is a great service for all of amateur astronomers and scientists in related fields.

My first reference for astronomical images is the SkyView, then the image service of PanSTARRS, and finally the Legacy Survey Archive.



Last updated 2 years ago

Subject: planetary nebula
Name: IC 351
Best Equatorial Coordinates (J2000): 56.8876667, 35.0466389


Spectral bands: PS1-g, PS1-r, PS1-i, PS1-z, PS1-y
Credits: PanSTARRS; Kohoutek 2001 "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae"

#planetarynebulae #astroservices

Last updated 2 years ago

Subject: planetary nebula
Name: M 1-4
Best Equatorial Coordinates (J2000): 55.4305833, 52.2835


Spectral bands: PS1-g, PS1-r, PS1-i, PS1-z, PS1-y
Credits: PanSTARRS; Kohoutek 2001 "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae"

#planetarynebulae #astroservices

Last updated 2 years ago

Subject: planetary nebula
Name: K 3-94
Best Equatorial Coordinates (J2000): 54.032375, 60.0622222


Spectral bands: PS1-g, PS1-r, PS1-i, PS1-z, PS1-y
Credits: PanSTARRS; Kohoutek 2001 "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae"

#planetarynebulae #astroservices

Last updated 2 years ago

Subject: planetary nebula
Name: IC 289
Best Equatorial Coordinates (J2000): 47.58025, 61.3167778


Spectral bands: PS1-g, PS1-r, PS1-i, PS1-z, PS1-y
Credits: PanSTARRS; Kohoutek 2001 "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae"

#planetarynebulae #astroservices

Last updated 2 years ago

Subject: planetary nebula
Name: IC 1747
Best Equatorial Coordinates (J2000): 29.399375, 63.3218889


Spectral bands: PS1-g, PS1-r, PS1-i, PS1-z, PS1-y
Credits: PanSTARRS; Kohoutek 2001 "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae"

#planetarynebulae #astroservices

Last updated 2 years ago

Subject: planetary nebula
Name: BV 3
Best Equatorial Coordinates (J2000): 28.26, 56.4055556


Spectral bands: PS1-g, PS1-r, PS1-i, PS1-z, PS1-y
Credits: PanSTARRS; Kohoutek 2001 "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae"

#planetarynebulae #astroservices

Last updated 2 years ago