These are always so fun to make. MUSE is such an amazing instrument. It's like tuning through an FM radio
#astrodon #ESO #EuropeanSouthernObservatory #Astronomy #astroviz
#astroviz #Astronomy #europeansouthernobservatory #eso #Astrodon
Scientists studying masers around the massive star MWC 349A discovered a 500km/s jet of material launching out of the star’s gas disk from within the winds that are flowing away from the star. The bigger surprise is that the jet may be caused by magnetic forces. This artist's conception shows a zoomed in view of MWC 349A and its surrounding disk of gas and dust that are being shaped by the winds and high-speed jet.
Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Melissa Weiss (NRAO/AUI/NSF)