It's #BandcampFriday!
let's support indie #electronicmusic ...
Artists drop your #Bandcamp links and tag other artists ...
if you like #chillwave with #darkwave + #astrowave + #spacerock, check out:
#dancemusic #retrowave #musodon #music #synthpop #cyberpunk #chillwave #BandCampFriday #Bandcamp #electronicmusic #EDM #darkwave #astrowave #spacerock #experimentalfusion #experimentalmusic #homerecording #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #abletonlive
#BandcampFriday #electronicmusic #bandcamp #chillwave #darkwave #astrowave #spacerock #dancemusic #retrowave #musodon #music #synthpop #cyberpunk #edm #experimentalfusion #experimentalmusic #homerecording #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #abletonlive
Music Day 18: "TON 618" from the project "Tidal Force".
I'm still obsessed with all things "out there" in space. TON 618 is the largest known black hole in the universe, larger than 33 times the diameter of our entire solar system. If you include Pluto, that's a little over 3.7 billion miles x 33 or 122 billion miles in diameter...quite massive indeed.
For this song on the Axe Fx III amp modeler, I used mostly 70's Silver Twin for the cleans (always striving for The Fixx heavy reverb cleans). I owned the real amp at one time and it was just so versatile...this preset is as well.
The "violin" was a Axe Fx preset called "Strings + Solo Violin", it's a challenge playing it without getting the guitar synth to breakup...but many takes do the trick!
Enjoy + Cheers
#TON618 #BlackHoles #NewMusicThursday #Chillwave #Infinity #Darkwave #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
#ton618 #blackholes #newmusicthursday #chillwave #infinity #darkwave #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
Music Day 16: "Graphite", the companion to Glitter in the upcoming "Graphite & Glitter" Project.
#graphite&glitter #chillwave #synthwave #futurism #newmusictuesday #abletonlive #kieselguitars #FractalAudio #homerecording #modernfunk #funkrock #experimentalmusic #astrowave #spacerock
#graphite #chillwave #synthwave #futurism #newmusictuesday #abletonlive #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #homerecording #modernfunk #funkrock #experimentalmusic #astrowave #spacerock
Music Day 15 (for yesterday, I'm late!): "The Unknown Infinite", from the upcoming "Graphite & Glitter".
To get a good grasp on the concept of infinity, there's a great Netflix documentary called "A Trip to Infinity", worth a watch!
#NewMusic #NewMusicMonday #Chillwave #Infinity #Universe #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #mondaymotivation
#newmusic #newmusicmonday #chillwave #infinity #universe #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #mondaymotivation
Music Day 14: "V'ger"...Voyager 1 is now billions of miles outside the heliopause, as far from that boundary as Neptune is from Earth, and speeding onward at about a million miles a day.
And it will take a full 17,000 years to reach "only" one light year away from earth. And to think, the center of our own Milky Way is 28,500 light years from Earth...just wow.
I love the humility of knowing this:-)
#SilentSunday #Chillwave #Voyager #Vger #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #sunday
#silentsunday #chillwave #voyager #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #sunday #vger
Music Day 12: To celebrate my most recent song "Glitter" (today, no video yet!), appropriate for a Saturday night!
"Glitter" is the first from the upcoming album (later this spring) called "Graphite & Glitter".
This is unashamedly a nod to one favorite artists, Donald Fagan, and his song "I.G.Y. (What a Beautiful World)".
"What a beautiful world this will be, what a glorious time to be free
On that train all graphite and glitter, undersea by rail
Ninety minutes from New York to Paris
(more leisure for artists everywhere)
A just machine to make big decisions
Programmed by fellows with compassion and vision
We'll be clean when their work is done
We'll be eternally free yes and eternally young"
Entering the age of AI & beyond, Donald's somewhat sardonic take on technology and the future has aged well:-)
#saturdaynightfever #saturdaynight #synthwave #disco #moderndisco #modernfunk #astrofunk #dancemusic #NileRodgers #ableton #astrowave #AI #weredoomed
#saturdaynightfever #saturdaynight #synthwave #disco #moderndisco #modernfunk #astrofunk #dancemusic #nilerodgers #Ableton #astrowave #ai #weredoomed
Music Day 12: Some days or weeks lately end kind of like "What the Funk?"...a funky rocker for a funky Friday!
I lost count of all the tracks and layers of guitar on this song, it was pretty fun to put together! I even tried to emulate "Wtf" with a wah-wah at around 2:50 into the video
Cheers and happy weekend!
#chillwave #funkwave #funkrock #wingsuits #jukeboxfridaynight #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo
#chillwave #funkwave #funkrock #wingsuits #jukeboxfridaynight #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo
Music Day 11: From several years ago, "In The Shadows" from the album "Out of the Shadows"...having a chillwave/ambient vibe for a rainy Pacific Northwest spring day. Cheers!
#chillwave #Intheshadows #outoftheshadows #spacewave #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #ibanezguitars #fractalaudio #spring #ThrowbackThursday
#spacewave #chillwave #intheshadows #outoftheshadows #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #ibanezguitars #fractalaudio #spring #throwbackthursday
Music Day 10: "Wednesday Funk (Get Over The Hump), a tune to help everyone get over whatever "hump" you're trying to get over...sometimes a good dance does the trick!
#chillwave #dance #overthehump #Wednesdaymotivation #universe #spacedance #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
#chillwave #dance #overthehump #wednesdaymotivation #universe #spacedance #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
Music Day 9: SETI , ears listening to the airwaves of the universe, humans patiently hoping and wondering if there's anyone else out there to talk to.
"Airwaves", a synthwave/chillwave tune to listen to while you ponder:-)
#chillwave #SETI #Isthereanybodyoutthere? #Hello #universe #space #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #Musictuesday
#chillwave #seti #isthereanybodyoutthere #hello #universe #Space #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musictuesday
Music Day #8: "Time River" from the album of the same name.
This was my first shot at adding vocals/lyrics with the assist of a Vocoder, (my voice is horrid) I used the Arturia Vocoder V plugin for that...and that was just for my spoken voice!
The construct and function of time has always fascinated me, a journey that would be hard to comprehend if we weren't often reminded of our very own specific length of time to observe the beauty of the universe.
Happy spring!
#chillwave #timeriver #time #universe #space #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #mondaymotivation
#chillwave #timeriver #time #universe #Space #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #mondaymotivation
Music Day 7, a bit of "Equanimity" for a Sunday. e·qua·nim·i·ty
mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
"she accepted both the good and the bad with equanimity"
#chillwave #equanimity #synthwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #silentsunday #sunday
#chillwave #equanimity #synthwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #silentsunday #sunday
A bluesy chillwave instrumental from space called "Stellar Halo" to end the day...hope you enjoyed your Saturday, cheers!
#synthwave #chillwave #spacedout #spaceblues #musicvideo #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
#synthwave #chillwave #spacedout #spaceblues #musicvideo #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
Music Day 5: Over the years, though mostly a lover of rock, I have always loved a wide variety of genres...from funk, prog, fusion, electronic, dance, etc. Never limiting myself to a specific type, it just needs to sound good to my ears and in my bones:) Guitarist Nile Rodgers was especially a favorite, his percussive use of tiny chords (I believe Mark Lettieri coined that!) and syncopated rhythm playing has always blown me away. I was going for somewhat of an homage to his style, but obviously next to impossible to replicate, I call it "DiscoSphere".
Many thanks to the awesome Flash Mob dancers around the world on YouTube, they provided a nice back drop to this!
Springtime is nearly here, time to move and get up and dance! Cheers!
#synthwave #disco #moderndisco #dancemusic #NileRodgers #musicvideo #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
#synthwave #disco #dancemusic #nilerodgers #musicvideo #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #moderndisco
Song #4, for synth lovers, "ChromoSphere" is unapologetically for you! Though it is hard to believe this song was actually inspired by a 1972 Grand Funk song called "Trying to Get Away" from their "Phoenix" album. If you listen to the opening organ and guitar riff of the song, with Farner alternating from a minor (Aeolian) mode to the major (Ionian) mode, I was fascinated and it stuck forever in my head!
The intro also combined this with my love for Moby (think "Porcelain") and also Kraftwerk [electronic percussion]). Throw in a little funky wah and off you go!
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio
Song #3, SPONCH:
SPONCH: the six atomic elements found in every living thing in the least as far as we know. Sulfur, Phosphorous, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, and Hydrogen...these are the life ingredients being searched for by those studying and seeking to discover life on exoplanets as well as moons within our own solar system (Titan, Europa, etc).
I figured there should be a tune about that:) is life
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo #musicislife #SPONCH
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo #musicislife #sponch
Video Song #2, "Envision from the album "Time River"
Growing up in northeast Ohio is about as far from a reggae life as one can probably get, nonetheless my going to college in Daytona Beach, Florida in the 80's opened my eyes to a whole new palette of music, reggae included!
After a visit to Key West, it also became my "pop smoke and run" to place if I decided to opt out of mainstream society.
The chill relaxing groove of this music heard during warm summer evenings, drink in hand, was hypnotic and I was hooked.
Not sure if instrumental reggae-ish music is a thing, but here's a go at it!
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo #reggae
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo #reggae
My daily video post of my weird space loving, dystopic, astronomical, existential, but hopefully with a good beat music begins...
First up, "SuperCluster" from the album "Time River"
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic
#spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo
#chillwave #dystopia #darkwave #Ableton #homerecording #instrumentalmusic #experimentalmusic #spacerock #astrowave #kieselguitars #fractalaudio #musicvideo
Dear V'ger, hope you're doing well...Earth, well things are a little cra-cra:-/ From my album "Tidal Force" #Synthwave #Chillwave #Astrowave #MoonRock
#synthwave #chillwave #astrowave #moonrock