h/t The Artist Taxi Driver
#UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime
#ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome #asylumisnotacrime
You think you can't hear anything worse. Then you read this.
#UKPolitics #SmallBoats #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime
#ukpolitics #SmallBoats #refugeeswelcome #asylumisnotacrime
These motherfucking ghouls have been hiding for decades and the Tories and their Brexit lies have let them off the leash.
If you've got any spare pennies, please consider donating to the RNLI, here:
Go on Jay. Down to Dungeness with Anthony. Off you fuck.
#UKPolitics #SmallBoats #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime #FuckTheTories #RNLI
#ukpolitics #SmallBoats #refugeeswelcome #asylumisnotacrime #FuckTheTories #rnli
Off to wander around looking at stuff again but if any of you can spare a few pennies, please consider chucking them in this direction. Thank you ♥
#UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime
#asylumisnotacrime #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics
@HeatherMJ I hear you. There's an amazing chapter in Helen Macdonald's book Vesper Flights about her meeting and subsequent friendship with a refugee (I've attached it below). It's absolutely heartbreaking. Every single bastard who thinks this is how you treat people should be forced to spend a day at Yarl's Wood. I hate them with the fire of a thousand suns.
#RefugeesWelcome #UKPolitics #FuckTheToriesAndFuckTheRacists #AsylumIsNotACrime
#asylumisnotacrime #fuckthetoriesandfucktheracists #ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome
This is a harrowing story but it illustrates extremely well the damage our government's policy is and has done, in so many ways.
#UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #StopTheBill #FuckTheTories #AsylumIsNotACrime #Cruella #EveryoneHasAStory #Bookstodon
#bookstodon #everyonehasastory #cruella #asylumisnotacrime #FuckTheTories #stopthebill #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics
Brutal and brilliant. 😔 🤬
#UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime #HumanRights #ECHR #SOLAS #RNLI #Cruella #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #cruella #rnli #solas #echr #humanrights #asylumisnotacrime #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics
@Gerz And of course no one mentioned the protests about their treatment by the refugees on Christmas island, which included *sewing their fucking mouths shut*.
#RefugeesWelcome #UKPolitics #Cruella #FuckTheTories #SmallBoats #AsylumIsNotACrime
#asylumisnotacrime #SmallBoats #FuckTheTories #cruella #ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome
From Jenrick's statement to the house on accommodation for migrants, h/t @bestforbritain
"Tory MP William Wragg, describes Jenrick as "one of the abler ministers in the Home Office", the gov't as having "a Gerald-Ratner approach, whereby it simply spends its time highlighting the problem" and "the Rosie-and-Jim idea of barges all over the place"."
Rosie and Jim 🔥😂 I guess he's living up to his "baby faced assassin" nickname.
#UKPolitics #AsylumIsNotACrime #RefugeesWelcome
#refugeeswelcome #asylumisnotacrime #ukpolitics
In the latest from "back of a fag packet policymaking":
"Simon Jones, a report for BBC South East, points out that the new sites announced by the government today would only be able to house about a tenth of the asylum seekers currently in hotel accommodation."
#FFS #UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime #SmallBoats #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #SmallBoats #asylumisnotacrime #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics #ffs
More from the Immigration Minister's statement to Parliament (via GPLB)
"Jenrick implies that, if boats were used to house asylum seekers, they would be in port, not offshore"
Translation? "Shit! We didn't think of that."
#UKPolitics #StopTheBill #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #asylumisnotacrime #refugeeswelcome #stopthebill #ukpolitics
The immigration minister is making a statement to the house about the revolting new policy to house migrants on old cruise ships.
"Jenrick claims action needed to stop public spending 'eye-watering amounts' on asylum seekers" (GPLB)
The action that's *needed* is sorting out the processing of claims, NOT accommodation. 🤬 That would involve admitting a mistake, though, which will never happen.
#UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #StopTheBill #AsylumIsNotACrime #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #asylumisnotacrime #stopthebill #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics
Listening to the Oh God, What Now? podcast saying there's a new YouGov poll today on what *Conservative voters* think about the small boats policy. ✋ No, keep reading ...
Will it work? 26%
Do they support it? 73%
... meaning roughly 48% support it AND think it won't work.
#WhoAreThesePeople #UKPolitics #FuckTheTories #SmallBoats #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime #HumanRight
#humanright #asylumisnotacrime #refugeeswelcome #SmallBoats #FuckTheTories #ukpolitics #whoarethesepeople
Today's first #FFS headline. They risked their lives for us for twenty fucking years and this is how we thank them. 🤬
#RefugeesWelcome #UKPolitics #FuckTheTories #AsylumIsNotACrime
#asylumisnotacrime #FuckTheTories #ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome #ffs
From the people who put kids in cages in the desert:
#Rwanda #RefugeesWelcome #UKPolitics #NoOneIsIllegal #AsylumIsNotACrime #HumanRights #Cruella #FuckTheTories #StopTheBill
#stopthebill #FuckTheTories #cruella #humanrights #asylumisnotacrime #nooneisillegal #ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome #rwanda
Has anyone checked this woman's law degree to make sure she didn't just photocopy that as well?
#UKPolitics #Rwanda #Cruella #RefugeesWelcome #HumanRights #ECHR #AsylumIsNotACrime #NoOneIsIllegal #HopeNotHate
#hopenothate #nooneisillegal #asylumisnotacrime #echr #humanrights #refugeeswelcome #cruella #rwanda #ukpolitics
Take a deep breath because this is so far beyond revolting I can't even think how to describe it 🤬🤬🤬
#Rwanda #Cruella #UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumIsNotACrime #HumanRights #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #humanrights #asylumisnotacrime #refugeeswelcome #ukpolitics #cruella #rwanda
Words have consequences. Not for the racists in government though. 🤬
#Authoritarianism #UKPolitics #PritiFascist #Cruella #AsylumIsNotACrime #NoOneIsIllegal #SmallBoats #StandUpToRacism #HopeNotHate #FuckTheTories #RefugeesWelcome #HumanRights
#humanrights #refugeeswelcome #FuckTheTories #hopenothate #standuptoracism #SmallBoats #nooneisillegal #asylumisnotacrime #cruella #PritiFascist #ukpolitics #authoritarianism
"Human beings are already drowning in the Channel because our government does not see them as human enough to save."
#RefugeesWelcome #HumanRights #UKPolitics #SmallBoats #NoOneIsIllegal #AsylumIsNotACrime #StopTheBill #Quotes #NotInMyName
#notinmyname #quotes #stopthebill #asylumisnotacrime #nooneisillegal #SmallBoats #ukpolitics #humanrights #refugeeswelcome