What happened to the Warm Welcome?
Report from the Refugee Council: https://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/latest/news/uk-government-faces-criticism-for-failing-to-deliver-on-promise-of-warm-welcome-to-afghan-refugees/?utm_campaign=2324EMQ206&utm_source=rcmailchimp&utm_medium=email #RefugeesWelcome #AllRefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekers #AsylumSeekersWelcome #WarmWelcome #RefugeeCouncil
#refugeeswelcome #allrefugeeswelcome #asylumseekers #asylumseekerswelcome #warmwelcome #refugeecouncil
RAF base-turned-refugee holding camp reports TB outbreak https://www.thecanary.co/uk/analysis/2023/07/28/raf-base-turned-refugee-holding-camp-reports-tb-outbreak/ #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekers #AsylumSeekersWelcome
#refugeeswelcome #asylumseekers #asylumseekerswelcome
Jenny Jones, a Green party peer, who had tried in vain to stop the (Illegal Migration) bill, told LBC radio on Tuesday morning that the bill was “unworkable, shameful and embarrassing for Britain”. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jul/18/uk-migration-bill-to-become-law-as-government-sees-off-lords-challenge #ShameOnTheTories #ShameOnTheUKGovernment #IllegalMigrationBill #RefugeesAreWelcomeHere #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekers #AsylumSeekersWelcome #ToryScum #FuckTheTories
#shameonthetories #shameontheukgovernment #illegalmigrationbill #refugeesarewelcomehere #refugeeswelcome #asylumseekers #asylumseekerswelcome #toryscum #fuckthetories
I really, really wish I could be proud of the diversity currently in our government but alas they're Tories & so irrespective of their ethnicity they are utterly craven, cruel, callous, corrupt cockwombles. Our last two Home Secretarys are just openly evil & sadistic. They derive obvious pleasure from human suffering. Anyway at least one evil plan has been thwarted by that pesky European Convention on Human Rights.
#fuckthetories #UKPol #asylumseekerswelcome
We have a Tory Crisis in the UK! https://doubledownnews.squarespace.com/watch/2023/march/17/zarah-sultana-mp-tory-crisis #ToryCrisis #DivideAndRule #TheyreLyingToUs #TheyreLaughingAtUs #FuckTheTories #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekersWelcome
#torycrisis #divideandrule #theyrelyingtous #theyrelaughingatus #fuckthetories #refugeeswelcome #asylumseekerswelcome
Suella Braverman and the UK Government are clearly and purposefully heading into a battle with long standing European human rights conventions - watch https://bird.makeup/users/peterstefanovi2/statuses/1637459554202951682 #ECHR #HumanRights #RefugeesWelcome #RefugeesWelcomeHere #AsylumSeekersWelcome
#echr #humanrights #refugeeswelcome #refugeeswelcomehere #asylumseekerswelcome
Just caught the tail end of #CruellaBraverman “defending” the #ImmigrationBill 🤬 and the fog whistle couldn’t be louder. Why should people be constantly demonized and criminalized for seeking asylum and refuge? #Cruella needs to return to law school and brush up on her legal definitions #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekersWelcome #ToriesUnfitToGovern #BravermanOutNow
#bravermanoutnow #ToriesUnfitToGovern #asylumseekerswelcome #RefugeesWelcome #cruella #immigrationbill #CruellaBraverman
UN Children agency "deeply concerned" by planned UK asylum law https://www.thecanary.co/uk/news/2023/03/10/un-children-agency-deeply-concerned-by-planned-uk-asylum-law/ #MigrantsWelcome #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekersWelcome
#migrantswelcome #refugeeswelcome #asylumseekerswelcome
"It is not clear how this [Illegal Migration Bill] will be compatible with existing UK government duties to act in the best interests of the child, and it is questionable whether the removal of a child to a third country, following a perilous journey to the UK, could ever be in their best interest." Jon Sparkes, head of United Nations Children’s Fund in the UK #StopTheBill #StopTheIllegalMigrationBill #IllegailMigrationBill #KillTheBill #MigrantsWelcome #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekersWelcome
#stopthebill #stoptheillegalmigrationbill #illegailmigrationbill #killthebill #migrantswelcome #refugeeswelcome #asylumseekerswelcome
Your enemy sits on a superyacht, not on a small boat!
#RefugeesWelcome #RefugeesWelcomeHere #AsylumSeekersWelcome
#refugeeswelcome #refugeeswelcomehere #asylumseekerswelcome
"Britain’s role has been essential for destablising the Middle East and northern Africa. Yet our government washes its hands of any responsibility. Worse than this, it treats the very people whose lives it has ravaged as sub-human." https://www.thecanary.co/opinion/2023/03/06/refugees-sunak-just-when-you-thought-britain-couldnt-get-any-more-racist/ #RefugeesWelcome #RefugeesWelcomeHere #AsylumSeekersWelcome #ToryFascism #ToryScum
#refugeeswelcome #refugeeswelcomehere #asylumseekerswelcome #toryfascism #toryscum
Tories and Mainstream media are lying about asylum seekers. Please read the Care4Calais statement on their Safe Passage policy https://care4calais.org/safepassage/ #AsylumSeekersWelcome #RefugeesWelcome
#asylumseekerswelcome #refugeeswelcome
Unless you are Ukrainian, there are no legal routes [for asylum] to the UK. The Government has closed down all legal routes so that in order to claim asylum in the UK you have to be physically present in the UK. But it has not provided safe, legal routes for people to get here – like a visa scheme with an online screening process. That means that to claim asylum, people have to risk their lives in lorries or small boats. #ToryLies #ToryScum #ToryFascism #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekersWelcome
#torylies #toryscum #toryfascism #refugeeswelcome #asylumseekerswelcome
“Even when ‘condemning’ the racists the Home Secretary still manages to get a dig in about asylum seekers.” https://www.thenational.scot/news/23315350.suella-braverman-condemned-shameful-comment-knowsley-protests/ #RefugeesWelcome #AsylumSeekersWelcome #FarRightViolence #UKFascism #ToryFascism #ToryScum#CruellaBraverman #SuellaBraverman #HomeOffice #HostileEnvironment #ToxicEnvironment
#refugeeswelcome #asylumseekerswelcome #farrightviolence #ukfascism #toryfascism #toryscum #suellabraverman #homeoffice #hostileenvironment #toxicenvironment
I was talking with a man this week who currently lives in a hotel with his young family.
He told me that in his home country he was a teacher but also helped at a charity which supported refugees, giving out food, clothes, essentials.
Never in a million years did he think he himself would need to seek asylum.
"There but for the grace of God" goes any one of us.
No one is illegal. To seek asylum is a human right.
#refugeeswelcome #asylumseekerswelcome