A cheap little consumer-grade drone taking out a Tu-22, a massive, nuclear weapon toting, supersonic bomber—this is the epitome of #AsymmetricWarfare. It is as visceral as #ChatGPT displacing experienced, productive workers. It is as real as servers tracking every moment of every human's everyday life.
These are the early days when a tiny hole develops in the current #SocioEconomic fabric. Soon, this small hole will develop into massive rips in all directions that will tear asunder humanity in its present form.
There have been similar seismic shifts in society, before: the Neolithic Revolution, the Late Bronze Age Collapse, the Dark Ages, the Industrial Revolution, the Internet Revolution. Humanity survives, but never in its prior form.
What form will humanity assume after the present #AI Revolution?
#ai #socioeconomic #chatgpt #asymmetricwarfare
@aral @catvalente ⬆️
However, fascists ARE obsessed with rules that apply to others, but not themselves.
In this regard, they are indistinguishable from terrorists. #AsymmetricWarfare
#asymmetricwarfare #saveamerica #donotcollaboratewithfascists
Reflexive control cracks us with a whip of disinformation, so sensual and so sweet: we embrace it until all we hold dear is drained from us and we awaken from the seductive apathy, our bondage fully complete: our freedoms drifting like a wraith in the far reaches of our consciousness. #Disinformation #Misinformation #ReflexiveControl #AsymmetricWarfare
#disinformation #misinformation #reflexivecontrol #asymmetricwarfare
We had to use the #F22 to shoot down #Chinese party balloons. Isn't that the prime example of #AsymmetricWarfare?
#asymmetricwarfare #chinese #F22