it's still possible to contain #SarsCov2 & #mpox spread by swabbing
I never understood that dental care practicers got no reimbursement position by assurances to test patients before intervention
both diseases are #BSL3Z & transmit mainly #asymptomatically before symptoms appears
it's overdue to integrate this medical act into the #assurances cataloges
to give up any surveillance tool will bite us
#SARSCoV2 #mpox #bsl3z #asymptomatically #justsaying #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #assurances
the question adressed to german #dental #associations has never been answered
why dental care giver are recommend to wear surgical mask instead of high filtration masks knowing #SarsCov2 is %airborne transmitted often #asymptomatically
only if patient has symptoms they recommend #fpp2
here the direct twitter questions
#dental #associations #SARSCoV2 #asymptomatically #fpp2