Marco Sanna zeigt in seinem Vortrag "Von UIKit zu SwiftUI - Eine Refactoring Reise" auf der #Macoun23 am Beispiel einer aktiv genutzten Produktivapp, wie eine komplexe Änderung der Architektur ohne Einschränkungen für Benutzer und Entwicklungsteam umgesetzt werden kann.
Sei dabei:
#SwiftUI #Storyboards #RxSwift #CleanArchitecture #AsyncAwait #macounFFM
#macoun23 #swiftui #storyboards #rxswift #cleanarchitecture #asyncawait #macounffm
Since XCTest dose not support async expressions in its assert functions I released SwiftAsyncAsserts to fill that gap.
Write more readable testing code for your async APIS in Swift with SwiftAsyncAssert Swift package.
#swift #xctest #asyncawait #unittest
JavaScript の async/await の動きを自分なりに図にしてみた (返り値を得られるまで)
#qiita #JavaScript #AsyncAwait
#qiita #javascript #asyncawait
How does async in Rust work?
#rustlang #asyncawait #programming
Swift Concurrency 🚅
We deal with async/await code every day. We use Task. But we don't often think about Task inheritance. 🤘
- Tasks inherit the parent task’s attributed, like priority, actor.
- Cancelling a parent task automatically cancels the child task.
- Detached Tasks don't inherit anything and you're responsible for cancelling them (in child task context)
And it's better to avoid detached task if it’s possible
#swift #swiftui #asyncawait #concurrency
My SwiftUI "Router Pattern" blog post:
#swiftui #designpattern #iosdev #asyncawait
📢New in MEAP📢
Maximum code velocity!
Supercharge your applications by harnessing asynchronous and multithreaded programming:
#asyncawait #multithreading #csharp #concurrency
The fact that there is a thing called "megaYield" to work around async/await problems in swift is just sad.
Just went through [Unit testing Asynchronous Code in Swift] by @tundsdev on this video:
Absolutely brilliant, clear and concise explanation. I would highly recommend it. 👌🏾
Got me doing a bit of refactoring on some of my unit tests too. Even more so, I discovered that Apple did release an Async/Await API for HealthKit (starting with iOS v15) and I went ahead and made a bunch of code updates there too.
#swift #swiftdev #bdd #tdd #asyncawait
Here's a convenient helper I wrote that can be used to simplify asynchronous initialization of heavy objects without caring about concurrency or call order:
The pattern scales to multiple lazy properties, and even multiple independent initializers can be used per class (if desired).
#unitask #asyncawait #gamedev #unity3d #unitydev
#FireShip explains #JavaScript in less than 13 seconds.
this is the easiest & shortest javascript tutorial you can watch.
#promises & #AsyncAwait explained as well.
#fireship #javascript #promises #asyncawait