LisPi · @lispi314
573 followers · 12152 posts · Server

@strypey @toolbear @latelesley @raineer @socketwench Not exactly, instance/server-centrism is embedded pretty deeply in 's core, and that assumption on the has some immediate monetary consequences that programs with -spreading & first-class support for relays and diverse & messaging transports (, overlays, , etc) don't.

Both relays and p2p can be hacked on to some degree... but the seams are very obvious & fragile.

#gossip #activitypub #clearnet #p2p #networking #darknets #asynchronousnetworking

Last updated 1 year ago

LisPi · @lispi314
217 followers · 3193 posts · Server

@meko Have you heard of ? That's pretty much the best example of such a program that comes to mind.

It doesn't require any connectivity at all in order to work.

is a bit different but also provides an off-grid messenger.

Even tolerates disruption fairly well (

#email #asynchronousnetworking #offline #sneakernet #p2p #resilient #encryption #meshnet #NNCP #briar

Last updated 2 years ago

LisPi · @lispi314
162 followers · 2347 posts · Server

@ijatz_La_Hojita Techncially speaking, nothing in proper /does/ explicitly require low-latency... except that in practice every single server uses off-the-shelf HTTP libraries that expect conventional low-latency TCP/UDP to work as expected.

If you modified the software to cache the session in DB and made for example some adapter for carrying the HTTP requests by , you could have a janky but fully compliant ActivityPub server supporting .

#activitypub #NNCP #sneakernet #asynchronousnetworking

Last updated 2 years ago