Calling a synchronous API instead of an asynchronous one is like making a phone call instead of sending a text message. It will work much of the time, and has 1 or 2 advantages, but when it doesn't work, it requires special processes to recover from, or the task just falls out of scope and is forgotten.
#Asynchrony almost always improves #reliability.
#software #devLife #AsAlwaysItDepends #ThereAreNoAbsolutes #NoPhoneCallsPlease
#asynchrony #reliability #software #devlife #asalwaysitdepends #therearenoabsolutes #nophonecallsplease
'Asynchronous Iterations in Optimization: New Sequence Results and Sharper Algorithmic Guarantees', by Hamid Reza Feyzmahdavian, Mikael Johansson.
#asynchrony #asynchronous #iterations
#asynchrony #asynchronous #iterations